Those Feelings.

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I lie awake at night,

Wondering why this happened.

Why did you make that mistake;

And why did I break it off?

Why would you talk to her,

And what possessed you to ask her out!?

But mainly I question myself..

Surely we could have worked things out!

These feelings scare me incredibly..

What is going on with me?

Why can't I get you off my mind?

Especially after what you did..

I know you still love me.

And I know you still care.

I feel the same way, I do...

But I'm not sure what to do.

You are sorry.

And I forgave you the day after I was told.

But you lied, didn't you?

And now I question my decision..

They say to follow the heart,

But I have always been scared of pain.

After the life I have lead,

Can you really blame me?

You cheated.

Wow, never thought I'd say it.

Never thought I'd think it.

And yet, it's the truth.

I've thought so hard,

And I've thought so long.

I've even given myself a migraine;

I just can't think what to do!

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