chapter 20: the end

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A/N: my last chapter is here. Im hoping to start my st book soon after this but yh enjoy.


After hours of waiting for hank to reach the house, a car pulled up outside. I stood up and ran towards the door and tugged at it untill it finally opened. Kamski, hank and conner were stood outside of the house smiling. "C-conner?" I muttered as conners smile grew bigger. "Hi, freckles." He answered. I ran up to him hugged him while kamski and hank walked in. "Your ok connie, i-i was scared you wouldnt come home." I stuttered. he picked me up and kissed me only pulling apart when someone threw a glass at the front window. "hank, what the hell happened," I asked as the anger slowly built up inside, "this is my fucking house not yours you cant just go around breaking my shit." once I had concluded my anger infested sentence, hank pushed Kamski into me, "once you sort out this asshole," hank started, "you can tell me what the fuck to do." and with that he walked out taking Conner with him. I walked over to the kitchen to pour two glasses of whisky. "so, what happened between you and hank?" I asked pushing for an answer. Kamski shot me a confused glare. "what are you on about Y/N?" he was getting on my last nerve, "what, the fuck, happened with you and hank Kamski," I asked once more, "if you don't tell me I swear to god you will end up in a river." Kamski looked down at the floor trying to think of an answer. "I'm the reason his son passed." he muttered, tears pricked my eyes, "you," I whispered, "your the reason my brother, my FUCKING BROTHER is dead." my tone had slowly become stern and the anger built up inside of me but this time it had become worse. he stood up but I just pushed him onto the floor. "you disgust me, you killed my brother before I could even meet him, before I even knew about him being dead all I wished for was a brother but guess what," I stopped to take a few breaths to calm me down, "if YOU hadn't have killed him I WOULD HAVE ONE." I shouted letting all of my anger out. hank must have realised that it was a bad idea leaving me and Kamski alone because as soon as I punched Kamski across the face multiple times, hank had pushed open the door to find me still punching an already unconscious man.

"he killed him," I muttered, "he ruined Coles life." hank looked down at the two people on the floor only one wasn't real. "Cole..." hank muttered staring at the space next to Kamski. "dad, he isn't here, h-he's dead." I chocked out looking at him. hank broke into a million pieces, he collapsed onto the floor and let his tears fall. 

final A/N: hey so I'm leaving this on a sorta-cliff-hanger but I hope you enjoyed this fanfic and there may or may not be another one coming out soon. any-who get ready for my new stranger things fanfic, I will try to make it better and longer but as from now onwards I will not be able to write as much as I hope to but I will start my st fanfic off right.

-summer <3 

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