Day 75.1

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"Sorry, I almost forgot. Welcome to Fort Lee." Hank offers a hand instantly, which Jefferson takes right away. "Y'all look like you've seen it." He looks across everyone, evaluating our physical appearances. 

"If you don't mind, I'd like to bring y'all to the facility where I've been stayin'. It ain't much, but it has showers." Amber's eyes light up hopefully. I can't help but allow a small smile curve on the right corner of my mouth. I really could use a shower right now. "The showers are hot, in case you wanted to know," he says with a smile, his laugh lines showing. This almost feels too good to be true. 

After being driven over to a building in a tight-fitting military vehicle, we follow his lead into the facility in an anxious state. My legs shuffle along the pavement in a rush. The building we encounter had a weird shape, the majority of the building looked very round like a semi-circle. It is quite bizarre looking. We make it into the unusual building after what felt like an extremely long walk, although it was only a few minutes. 

Cool air envelopes my sweaty body after entering the building. Amber crosses her arms over her stomach, tightly grasping onto her arms. 

"Why don't y'all get some showers. I have some spare clothing in the locker rooms on the benches. I've had the time to do pretty much everything here. Hopin' for someone to come by." I only nod with a slight smile, jogging toward the showers. The other guys follow. I grab a couple of bright white towels before moving into a shower stall, closing the curtain. After undressing and starting the water, I can feel the dirt, sweat, and blood roll off my body. 

"Oh my God, this feels so good," I can't help but exclaim as I soap up my hair. Various similar responses can be heard from the other guys. I use the soap excessively, although I should be saving the soap for later. I don't care at the moment. 

"Now this is what I call luxury, boys!" Hank shouts, his own array of hoots and hollers sounding from the hot water. I chuckle quietly.

"You better clean yourself well like your mamma said to, David," Mark says.

"You bet I am, sir," the kid responds. I ended up taking a shower that lasted close to twenty minutes. When I exited the showers in some sweatpants, my hair was still dripping. I continue to dry my hair, walking into the main area of the room. A few others are still in the shower, but most of the group is out already, sitting on some fold-out beds. Amber looks up at me, swallowing harshly with her stare sharp. 

I speed toward her, sitting beside her on her bed. She is twiddling with some twine. Right when I was getting to tell her something, Jefferson speaks up. 

"Imma need to do a physical exam on each of y'all. Let me know if any of y'all are uncomfortable with me doin' it, so you can get a friend to do it. We ain't taking any risks in this place. I'll demonstrate on you." He points to me. I stand up lousily, walking over to him. "Put your arms out and your feet shoulder-length apart. He begins patting my arms before moving to my torso and ending at the bottom of my legs. A nervous sweat remains on my forehead, hoping he wouldn't care about my gun.

Jackie walks over next and stands in the same pose as I did. 

"Sweatshirt is too thick, ma'am. Imma have to politely ask you to remove it," Jeff adds. She eyes him sharply before taking it off and throwing it on the ground. She looks pretty ticked. I watch as his eyes focus on her shoulder with the bandage from when she was shot. I notice his hand drift over his gun holster, resulting in me pulling my gun upward out of my pant pocket carefully. 

"What is this bandage?" he asks, his voice rising. The room stays eerily silent. "I will not repeat myself! I don't wanna turn this into something it isn't. I ain't gonna beg," he adds, pulling his gun out of the holster. 

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