I look back over my shoulder, "If we're going to get out of here we need to move. Are you guys coming or not?" Michonne looks back at me with a smile, "we are all going back home. Together."

"I am more than ready to leave and never come back. Lead the way." Daryl says as he comes up to my right. I do not look back at the other boys but I hear them stumbling over themselves to catch up to us.

I hear Rick call my name and before I can turn around I feel two burly arms wrap around me. "I got her boss!" I feel his hot, stinking breath on my neck as he spins me around. I see the fear and anger on Rick's face as he is being pinned on the ground. The Governor's knee in his back. Merle is wrestling with another guy and is only subdued when two others join the fight. Daryl to my right and Michonne on my left are being held as well. Rick manages to flip over and now has the Governor pinned. He stands moving behind for cover and now has his knife to Patchy's throat. We were in an old-style Mexican standoff and neither side was going to back off easily.

I take a cue from Rick and quickly jerk my head backward hitting my captor square in the nose, I hear it crack and he releases me. I spin around and begin attacking him, arms flailing. This causes the rest of my group to break free as well and now we are all in a full-on brawl.


After the fight was over and the Governor's men were lying on the ground I look around for my people. I find Merle and Daryl and run over to them, well I try to run, my injuries are far worse after this brawl than they were before. Daryl gives me a nod and Merle slings his arm over my shoulders. "I'm impressed Lil' Gal! That was some damn fine fightin'! If I didn't know better I'd swear you got Dixon blood runnin' through them veins." He pulls Daryl close on his left, "good to see you ain't forgot how to kick ass like I taught ya, baby brother," Merle said grinning. Daryl shrugs Merle's arm off his shoulder. "Where's Rick," he asks looking around.

"And Michonne?" I added looking back at Daryl and Merle who were both looking around as well now. "Did either of you see them? Where they went?" They both shake their heads. "We need to hurry up and find them and get the hell outta here." As soon as the words are out of my mouth Rick walks up with his arm around Michonne, almost carrying her over to us. I immediately run over, taking her opposite arm and draping it around my shoulder to help. "She looks terrible, let's get her home," I say as Merle steps forward with Daryl, they lead the way as we exit Woodbury once again.


Back at the cars, Rick eases Michonne in the back seat. I quickly run around the car and climb into the back with Michonne. Rick watches and moves to sit beside Michonne. Merle tapped him on the shoulder, "I'll drive," Merle says taking the keys from Rick and pointing him to the passenger side. Rick doesn't want to but he needs to be up there if Merle tries anything crazy. He nods to Daryl who is already behind the wheel of the truck and ready to head back.

Rick keeps looking at me through the glass. I watch him as he drops himself into the passenger seat, he has a wretched look on his face.

"Shit!" Merle screams out before throwing the car into reverse and backing away, quickly. Rick's door slams closed, hitting his arm as we all hold on for dear life. I look out through the windshield before the car spins around and catch sight of the Governor's men. Merle slams his foot onto the gas and peels out down the road. Daryl is right behind us.

By the time we reach the gates we seem to have lost them. Merle stops the car to let us all out as close to C-Block as possible. He drives the car into the motor pool without a word to any of us. Daryl takes Michonne and nods Rick over to me. The battle wounds are starting to get to me, I am feeling just how hard my body has been wrung out. Rick runs over catching me before I hit the ground. I feel like I may lose consciousness and then Rick's arms wrap around me. A jolt of pain runs through me and I flinch. "Are you okay," he asks looking into my eyes as he lifts me. "I didn't realize how bad you were hurt?"

I put my hand up to his face, forgetting about any pain I feel in this moment, "I'll be alright, Chief. I'm just glad to be home." Home, that is such a nice thought. He walks me up to my cell and lays me down before yelling for Hershel.

Carl runs in, with Hershel trailing behind, whizzing right by his dad and wrapping his arms around me. I grunt a little from the weight of the boy as he kind of just fell on me. "Oh, God! Rachel, I'm sorry, are you okay?"

"Just a little sore but I am fine." I look up at Rick who has a huge grin on his face as his son embraces me in a hug once again, this time a little softer. I knew Carl liked me but had never really been affectionate toward me. I am a little startled and confused but I hug him back. I didn't realize he had this much concern for me. "I'm so glad you're okay. Are you sure you're okay?" I pull back a little and smile at him.

"Yeah, I'm good." I feel a little bit of confusion, shock, happiness, and pride all at the same time.

Rick shifts back and forth on his feet as he smiles and then he speaks, "Hey, how about one of those for your old man? Or are you not worried about me all?" Carl laughs as he turns to his dad and throws his arms out for Rick. He walks over kneeling and hugging Carl.

"Well ain't this a cute little family moment," Merle says from the doorway, leaning against the frame with his arms folded.

"What are you doing here Merle?" Rick asks sounding more than a little annoyed at the man's presence.

"Just came to check on our gal, " Merle says, keeping eyes on Rick and wearing a wide smile

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"Just came to check on our gal, " Merle says, keeping eyes on Rick and wearing a wide smile. This is too easy for him.

"Our gal?" Rick looks over his shoulder, cocking his head to the side and raising an eyebrow. Merle nods, smiling wider. Rick seems to get angrier. Merle walks inside my cell and squats down at the head of my bed.

"Is this strictly a family moment, or can we make it a group thing," Merle asks me but he is staring at Rick.

"Merle," I speak sternly which causes Merle to look at me. The look on his face is like a child being scolded by his mother. "Stop, being a jerk." Merle drops his head, face red.

"Sorry Lil' Gal," he says before looking at Rick, "I was just fooling around with ya man. But I did wanna check in, to see how you're doin'. Are you okay Lil' Gal?" I smile and nod. Merle stands up. "Good, cause all this mushy shit makes me itchy?"

"Then why don't you just leave?" Carl sneers. Rick and I both call out his name in shock. Merle just laughs, looking between me and Rick then at Carl. Merle throws his hands up.

"Damn, you got me on that one kid. I'm goin', I'm goin'." Merle walks to the door laughing. He rubs Carl's head as he walks by the boy. "Tough kid ya got there Officer Friendly."

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