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Jungkook sat on the edge of the bed in his dark room. He had been feeling down for the past few day, and it was getting worse.

Jungkook slowly layer down in his huge bed and covered himself up.

He rarely ever left his room, and when he did it was to use the bathroom or get something to eat.

Growing up, not many people knew how to handle his mood swings. He would hear things like,

"Just talk to someone about it," or "Its going to be alright," but nobody really understood him.

He seemed like a normal moody person, but on the inside he was hurting, and he wanted someone to notice.

He has a hard time expressing himself and talking to people about his feelings, so he tries to avoid it even though he needs it.

Jungkook rolls onto his back and stares at the ceiling. It was night time, so the street lights cast their shadow into his room.

"I want to be happy again..." he spoke to himself. He pulled his hood up and curled into a ball.

After laying there, staring out the window for a while, Jungkook tries to fall asleep, but it seems almost impossible to him.

"Screw this." He said, and grabbed his controlled from the bedside table.

Jungkook turns on his tv and plays video games until he ends up falling asleep, which never happened.

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