Hairo Kineshi x lazy reader2

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I-Am-E thanks for asking here you are:D
Today is Valentine's day and you don't know why but, you spent the last two days making and perfecting a heart shaped cake, it was a two layers cake made from scratch. It was made with milk chocolate batter. A light cream frosting place in between the layers. A fresh made dark chocolate ganache frosting. With little hand made pink heart shaped chocolates. It even had a  heart shaped chocolate chip cookie with white chocolate icing that spelled out "I love you." It was placed is a pretty red box with a white lace ribbon placed on top.
You don't know why but, whenever you think about Hairo Kineshi you want to do better. You don't understand why you... No, you knew perfectly well why you felt this way. "I'm in love with him." You blushed, at saying that out loud. Lucky no one was around as you made your way to school. You went to your locker and changed your shoes. You were about to head to the class, when you heard Hairo Kineshi and the pink haired guy talking. Your eyes widened Hairo had three huge bags of valentine's chocolate. You made your way to class with a scary glare on your face. You sat at your desk and buried your face in your arms pretend to be asleep. You didn't get it. Why do you want to cry. It's not a big deal. You knew you'd never really get a chance with him. He's everything that you're not. You sigh, 'Let's just get this day over.'
It's gym class now, you shiver why would they make you run outside. As you fall behind the rest of the group you notice a really pretty girl talking to Hairo she even pecks his cheek. You're trying to fight back tears, you don't even notice the soccer ball that's flying at you. It hits you in the face it hurts but it gives you an excuse to cry. The pain from you bloody nose is nothing to the pain you feel in your chest. Hairo was talking to the a girl he had saved from a mugger yesterday when heard someone yelling. He turned toward it. His eyes widened in horror. You were on the ground nose bleeding and sobbing. He completed forgot about the girl he was talking to and, came running toward you. He picked you up and ran toward the nurse's office. The nurse gave you a paper towel and ice pack and told you to stay still.
"Hairo, I need to step out, another student got sick after seeing Yn's bloody nose. Can you keep an eye on Yn for me?"
"Of course sensei! You can count on me!"
The nurse rolled their eyes and left. Hairo turned towards you. You were still crying, 'Stop crying damn it!' You tell yourself.
"Does it still hurt?" You shocked at how soft and gentle he's being. You blush as he places his hand on your face and gently wipes a tear away from your face. You don't even realize that you nuzzle into his touch. Hairo entire body goes red. 'You are just to cute!' He screams in his head. He pulled away about to say something, but the nurse comes back and, hands you your bag and uniform.
"One of your classmates asked me to give this to you. Hairo why don't you head back to class and let Yn change."
Hairo nodded and left his face still flushed. You headed back to the class room, the room was empty. You didn't need to finish the rest of gym class because of what happened, so you decide to take this chance and place the gift in Hairo desk, along with a love letter. You were sleeping at your desk when everyone came back to the classroom. Hairo eyes widened when he saw the cake and love letter. His friends started teasing him.
"So, who's it from?!"
Hairo blushed but then looked confused.
"Um it doesn't say."
Your eyes widened.
No, no, no! How could you forget to write your name. 'Idiot!' You slap your forehead. Then buried your face in your hands.
Hairo blushed and smiled softly
'It'd be nice if Yn was the one who wrote it.'
'This is going to be a long year.' A pink hair boy thinks as he rolls his eyes.

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