Kusuke Saiki

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Request from CallMeSavvy_23 enjoy.
"Saiki Kusuke marry me!" You shout loud enough that everyone at the play ground hears you. You looked at the young boy you liked  since the first time you met. Also, because your mom and his are close friends, the two of you see each other often.
The young blonde looked away blushing.
"N-no way!"
You started to cry.
"B-but, I want to be Ku-ku's wife."
Your crying gets louder and, Kusuke signs. He pats your head as he wipes your tears away.
"*sigh* if you promise not to cause me trouble..." he looks away blushing but, continues. "I guess I'll marry you Yn-chan."
"Really you promise?!"
He looked away blushing and nodded.
"Oh Ku-ku I love you."
You were so happy that day. You thought nothing would ever come between you two, but then Kusuo was born, and Kusuke completely forgot about you. You don't hate Kusuo at all, he's like a baby brother to you. You just wished Kusuke pay even a fraction of attention he gave Kusuo, to you. You wanted to cry when he told you he leaving the country to go to college. You could barely afford to go to community college, your smart but, sadly you bombed all your test because of your test anxiety.
"Um, Ku-ku?" You blushed. He rolled his eyes at the childish nickname, but looked at you nodding for you to continue. The two of you had just graduated high school and, both your family had celebrated it together with a large party. You had a soft blush across your face and, looked down.
"D-do you remember that promise we made, back when we were kids. You know th..."
You noticed that Kusuke wasn't there anymore, he was competing against his brother in a silly competition, but he looked so happy. You sighed sadly, you were  going to miss him, you put on a smiled and try to enjoy the party.
'At least I get to see him off tomorrow, I'll tell him then.'
You knew he'd leave earlier than what he told the others. You laugh at his surprised expression when you greet him at the airport.
"Hi Kusuke."
He's doesn't understand why but, he feels uneasy when you don't use that silly nickname you gave him. Why were you here so early.
"How long have you been here?"
"I wasn't sure when you'd try to speak away, so I've  been here a few, maybe five hours I wa-"
He was taken aback by that. His body felt hot and, his heart was picking up speed. So he decided to be a jerk.
"Ha! Wow Yn-chan that's so creepy.  It's almost as if you're I love with me!" He tried to sound smug but, you knew better.
"I am, I've been in love with you since before I knew what love was. Kusuke I love you and, I want to say this now or, I'll regret it for the rest of my life. Kusuke, you're smart, probably crazy, and the most determined man I've ever known. No one has ever made me feel the way you do. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and, I'm willing to wait." You pause and get on one knee eyes tightly shut.
"I asked you when we were kids and, I'll ask you again. Kusuke... please, will you marry me?"
You expect him to laugh at you. You wait... nothing. You take a chance and open your eyes. He's froze, mouth agape. Your worried.
"Ku-ku was it that bad."
You're about to run away and, hide forever. He shake his head coming back to his senses. He seems angry.
"You have the worst timing Yn! I'm about to leave for who knows how long! And now's you decide to spring that on me! I! Wha!" He runs his hands through his hair in frustration. You smile gently, grab him, and kiss him softly on the cheek.
"I'm sorry, you don't have to answer me on the marriage thing but, I need to know... do I have any change with you?"
He looks at you and, is about to say something, but then the plane announcement goes off, saying it's about to leave. He looks toward the bordering area that back at you, he repeats this three more times. He makes an angry strangled growl. He then does something you were not expecting. He  grabbed your face roughly, and kisses you. It's hot, sloppy and, inexperienced but, it sends lightning through your body. He deepen the kiss and rubbed his hands on your cheeks, pulling you closer. Your hands clutch his shirt, your bodies are flushed against each other, and its over far to fast. He pulls away face red, panting, his heart about to run out of his chest, and then he shouts. "That's my answer!" He then runs away to the plane. Your flustered, worried, very confused and maybe a little turned on.
'What just happened.'
To be continued? Yes or no?

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