anxiety reader

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You're dad looked so happy, he finally got married to the woman of his dreams.
"Your going to love Midori and her son."
You gave him a small smile. You loved your dad but, he doesn't understand you at all, he doesn't even know about your social anxiety. You heart was beating so hard that your chest hurt. You had spent most of your life with you grandmother on your adoptive father's side after your mom had abandonment you on your father's doorstep. Especially after he quit his job to pursue his dream of being a magician. You didn't want to be a burden to him so you mostly let him do what he wanted, and now he's doing really well. Mostly because you've been helping with... well everything, you had to. Your grandmother passed away last year and he was your only family. You sighed already tired. When you arrived to the house you were on edge, you weren't sure if your new stepmother would like you.
"Oh you must be Yn. Your father's told me about you. It nice to meet you."
You try to hide in your hair but managed to squeak out, "H-hello i-it n-nice to m-m-meet you."
You wanted to cry, you would stutter when you were nervous or stressed which was almost always. It only got worse after middle school. You actually couldn't speak for a whole year at one point. You almost jumped when you feel her pat your head and give you a kind smile.
"You look tired why do you get your things and I'll show you your room."
You meekly nodded. Once you had most of your stuff. You flopped on the floor and curled up hugging the last gift from you grandmother, it was a hand stitch quilt. You let out a shaky breath, then cried yourself to sleep, overwhelmed and exhausted.
You awoke the next day, it was still dark out, but you were feeling a little better. You had yet to meet you new brother. You change your clothes, and fix your hair. You quietly made your way into the kitchen. The sun was just starting to rise you started to cook, but then remember you had moved, you blushed. Midori was already up
"Oh you're up early."
You nodded.
"I-I l-l-like t-to c-cook f-for..."
Your voice grows sorter as you try to interact with her.. she gives you an understanding smile.
"I could use the help if you don't mind."
She showed you were everything was, by the time you finished making everyone's lunch and cleaned up, the sun was up. You then saw a scary giant, shout a good morning. You make a small squeak and the loud man.
"Oh Riki dear this is your new sibling Yn. Yn this is my son Riki."
You voice decided to stop working so you gave him a tiny smile and wave. You gave a silent scream as he picked you up and hugged you while talking about siblings. He was surprisingly gentle while hugging you. He was talking to fast for you to understand, but you couldn't help but smile his excitement was contagious.
"Well we be going to school together from now on?"
You softly nodded your head. He seemed to beam at you, most people would probably be afraid of Riki Nendou, but he reminded you of a big hyper puppy.
"Then let's go!"
"Riki you still need to get your bag."
He laughed and went to grab his stuff, you grabbed your school supplies as well. You had already transferred the the same school as Riki before  you moved in, funny enough you were also in his class. Riki  practically dragged you to the school, you were terrified. You tried your best to hide behind Riki. The teacher calls attention to you, your blood runs ice cold. It felt like vice clamped around your throat, your words being held capture.
'I'm scared! I can't breathe! Please! Someone help me! Help!! Help me!'
Suddenly you feel a wave of calm washed over you. You feel like you can talk now.
You take a deep breath and try to speak.
"M-my n-name is N-nakanishi Yn."
That was all you could squeak out before you tried to hide behind Riki again. The teacher tried to get you to answer some questions but stopped when he noticed that you were about to cry.
"The only open seat is next to Kuboyasu Aren, Kuboyasu  rise your hand please."
You felt you heart drop to your stomach. Kuboyasu looked like a normal guy but your gut said he wasn't someone you should piss off. Your head was screaming 'Danger! Danger Will Robinson!'
You thought you heard someone snort. You turn and see a guy with pink hair, he also gave you a weird vibe different from Kuboyasu, but still...
You shake off the weird feeling and take a seat. Something told you the rest of your school year was going to be disastrous.

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