lime Male physic reader x Saiki

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'He's glaring at me again. I haven't done anything to him yet.' You think as you feel pink haired guy behind you stare holes in the back of your head.
'Don't even think about it!'
You smirk as he sends you thoughts That no one else can hear. You smirk as you play innocent.
'I have no idea what you're talking about?'
You didn't need to look at him to tell he was annoyed.
'You're planning on inviting the others to tag along, when you promise me it would be just the two of us... and coffee jelly.'
You try to hide the smirk creeping on your face in the middle of the classroom, since no one can hear your conversation, you don't want people to think you're making a weird expression for no reason. People already think you're a little crazy, because sometimes you space out while listening in on other people's thoughts. You are a psychic and you have the ability to hear other people's thoughts and to transfer your thoughts into other people's minds. Saiki is your boyfriend of one month now. You're not really sure how you convinced him to date you, you think it's partially because you bribe him with sweets constantly. That side of him is super cute.
'Babe, we can still get coffee jelly. You know you actually like hanging out with them. You just don't want to admit it. I mean that side of you is super cute and all, but you should be more honest with yourself cutie.'
You feel something hit the back of your head, it's an eraser. You're trying really hard not to laugh now.
'I want to spend some alone time with you. Can't they just hang out with us next time, if you really want to hang out with them?'
You feel your cheeks warming up.
'God my boyfriend is so cute. How did I manage to get so lucky.'
'Just keep giving me coffee jelly and I'll be as cute as you want me to be.'
'After class can I kiss you?'
You can just tell he's rolling his eyes.
'Only if you get me that new chocolate, strawberry, cheesecake from that bakery I like.'
'Sure, we can also play that new video game you bought if we get it to go, sound like a plan?'
Before Saiki could answer you the bell rung, Saiki got up, but before he could grab your hand Teruhashi made her way over to you two. Teruhashi doesn't hate you per se but, she doesn't like that you don't worship the very ground she walks upon. That's partly because you're gay, specifically gay for a certain pink haired, psychic, hottie. She doesn't care that you're gay, You're pretty sure she doesn't even know. She just doesn't like the fact that you are indifferent to her. You're kind of like Saiki in that department. You can hear all her thoughts so you can't exactly worship her knowing what kind of personality she has. Still, she tries her best.
"Hey L/n-kun Saiki, do you want to join us for karaoke."
"Sorry Teruhashi."
You pause and protectively place an arm over Saiki.
"Me and Sai got plans already, but maybe next week if that's cool, right Sai?"
'If we give her what she wants eventually. She'll leave us alone for now.'
Saiki sighed but nodded.
The two of you manage to sneak away from the rest of your friends and head to the bakery, you pick up the cheesecake he wanted and pop on over to his place.
'Sai, we need to let your mom know I'm here.'
'Sure, she likes when you come over anyways.'
As you walk in you greet his mom.
"Hey Mrs. Saiki, is it cool if we hang out in Sai's room?"
"Oh hi Y/n, how are you doing? Sure, go ahead. It's good to see you. How is your grandpa doing?"
You smile at her.
"Thanks, I'm doing well, Pop's is alright, still crazy as ever."
The two of you made your way upstairs, you ate the cake in his room and played an old zombie video game you got for cheap. As the two of you are playing, you laid your head in his lap.
'Hey? If I beat you in this level, can we make out?'
'Hmm, I guess, but only if you do it with one weapon.'
'Challenge accepted.'
You managed to beat the level using a machete to fight off the zombies in the game. You smirked up at your boyfriend. He playfully rolled his eyes, a tiny smile appearing on his mouth. You set up slowly and looked at him. He was so handsome, you placed your hand on his cheek and leaned your head against his.
"I love you."
He looked away but smiled softly.
'I love you too.'
You gently kissed his lips giving him soft, sweet, kisses. You place his hands on your chest, he could feel your heart beating against it.
'I love you Sai.'
You tilted his head to kiss him deeper, he made a soft humming sound. You felt him grip your shirt tightly pulling you slightly closer deeper into the kiss. You hummed, pleased.
You moved so that he was sitting in your lap. You placed your other hand on the small of his back softly rubbing it up and down kissing him softly but deeply.
You enjoyed being a psychic because you didn't have to speak to him to tell him what you wanted for him to tell you what he wanted. You could just keep kissing him.
'Yes baby?'
You felt him become shy in your arms. You smirked
'Baby uses your words. Tell me what you want.'
He made a soft little moan when you said that.
'Kiss me harder, Y/n.'
You smirk against his mouth.
'What are the magic words?'
'I love you Y/n, please?'
You grabbed him pulling him closer kissing him roughly, slightly biting his bottom lip, tugging it gently. He gasped, and you took the opportunity to taste his mouth, it was sweet from the cake you had eaten. He snaked his arms around your neck grasping for dear life. You were both breathing heavily and you felt him shaking in your arms. He was trembling in pleasure.
'Sai? Can I put my hands up your shirt?'
He whimpered.
'Can I do the same?'
'Then do it already!"
You felt your pants get tight when his hand started to explore your upper body. You trace the lines of his body with your hands, as your tongue explored his mouth. You moaned as he scratched your back with his nails when you started to suck on his tongue.
He whimpered in protest as you pulled away from his mouth, but then growled as you bit his earlobe. He then pushed you over and climbed on top of you pining you beneath him.
'I kind of like it when you're on top of me, it's really hot.'
He glared that you predatory, then licked his lips, and dragged his tongue up your neck, causing you to take a sharp inhale of air.
He then cursed irritated. You both sat up cleaning yourself up, you both finished just as his dad burst through the door. You tried your best not to glare at the old man. Saiki however did not hide his aggravation.
"Hey y/n, Kurumi wanted to know if you'd like to stay for dinner?"
"O-oh I didn't realize it had gotten that late."
You notice that it was getting dark out now.
"I'm afraid I can't. I got to get home and help pops. You know it is?"
Saiki's dad nodded in understanding.
"I'll let her know. See you later Y/n."
He closed the door and Saiki teleporting you to your house. He knew how important taking care of your grandfather was for you. The old coot was your only close family. When you first introduced him to Saiki, the first thing Pops said to you was this.
"At least I don't have to worry about you getting no girls pregnant."
You smile at the memory. As you open the front door.
"Oi! Why are you so late?"
"Sorry Pops, lost track of time."
"Sorry Sir, he was with me."
"Hmm, will, if you're going to be hooking up with your boyfriend, just let me know that you'll be late next time."
"Oh my god Pops!"
Saiki was turning away. Trying not to laugh. As the old man cackled like a madman. He hobbled his way towards you, you had to stop yourself from laughing as you saw him wearing bright pink sweat pants the shirt that said I'm not crazy. You're just boring.
"Did Miss Rose get you a new outfit?"
Miss Rose was your neighbor who sometimes helped Pops, she had a weird sense of humor that, or an even weirder to sense of fashion. He smiled and nodded.
"She brought over her famous pot roast."
You smile and nodded.
"I'll help you heat it up in a minute."
The old man cackled and left the room.
"Yeah, yeah go make goo goo eyes at your boyfriend. I'll be in the kitchen."
You rolled your eyes and smile fondly. Saiki grabbed your hands.
'I'll see you tomorrow, love you."
You gave him a quick kiss and squeezed his hands gently.
'I love you too.'
He then teleported home. You side and smiled softly as you shut the door and begin to help get dinner ready.

Author's note Hi everyone, sorry I've been gone for so long. I'm not sure when I'll repost again. If I have time I will but I've just been busy lately. Sorry this will be the last chapter of the series. I might make another one. I'm not sure, but I hope this is a good last chapter, thank you all so much for reading and commenting and all that. I really do appreciate it. This is goodbye for right now. Take care

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