Kusuke Saiki bad end

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Kusuke has been trying to find you for almost a month now but... no one has seen you not even your parents. They told him the last time they saw you was when you had gone out to get some new paint. The police are giving up on finding a person, and are now just looking for a body. He needs to find you, he  doesn't understand why he's needs you, but he's been going crazy ever since your fight. He wants to make up even if he hates to admit it. He groans loudly in frustration he doesn't want to ask Kusuo for help but he knows that his brother could help find you. Just as he's about to push away his pride his phone rings. It's your mother, she sounds like she in tears.
" hi Kusuke, I'm sorry to bother you but... the... the police they...*gasping breaths mixed with a choked sobbing* they found her.
He was almost relieved till what he heard next.
"Oh God! what monster did that to my baby."
"W-what do you mean she ok right?"
He just heard your mom just break down and your dad take the phone.
"Hey, Kusuke, I'm sorry, but I think it'd be best if you came over this isn't something you should hear over the phone. I'm so sorry son."
When he got to your family house there was a police officer talking to your parents.
'What's happening?' Kusuke thought were screaming. You dad told the officers who Kusuke was. He was choking back his emotions when he learned how you were murder, it was a brutal death.
"I'm not sure if I should tell you this part." The office looks  guilty about something, but your mother wanted to know Kusuke wanted to know.
"The autopsy showed that... that your daughter was two months pregnant."
That broke Kusuke a single tear escaped from his eye. She was visibly shaking. Your mother and father were both sobbing.
"We do have the murder in custody he confess to everything."
The man how killed you was a guy who went to the same art school as you and had been stalking you. Kusuke had a look of bloody murder on his face. Let's just say your parents told the police that Kusuke was with them when the murder went missing.
"Kusuke son I think you should go see your family just until this all blows over. You know, Yn would always talk about you. She told me once  'Dad, Kusuke is so inspiring, he make me believe that he can my the impossible possible.' She loved you so much, at first I was worried because I'd never seen her like that, but she was happy."
Kusuke normally isn't one to feel guilty but man your parents are ruthless.
"I'll be leaving to night take care of Mrs. Ln."
Kusuke Saiki was starting at the front door of his parents house lost in thought. He body wouldn't listen, he just kept remembering the last conversation the two of you had. He was scared at that time because... he had wanted you to meet his family and that had never happened before, not to him and that freak him out. Now, he wishes nothing more than to pull you close and tell you all about his family. He yanked from his thoughts when his mom opened the door.
"Big Ku!... Kusuke? Kusuke what happened."
He never cried, never, but the dame holding him back completely shattered. His mom hasn't ever seen him this vulnerable, this broken.
He ended up telling her about everything.
"Oh Kusuke, I'm so sorry. Why don't you stay here."
Kusuo may have found Kusuke annoying but, he's hated seeing his big brother so broken.
'Maybe this time I can fix it this time... no we've tried this over five hundred times. I'm sorry Kusuke, but you can't save her.'

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