Saiki's sister reader

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'My older sister's coming back home from America. Normally she's to busy working in Hollywood, but now she's working on a set here in Japan, and it's only an hour drive away from are home.'
You hug your mom and squeal excitedly. You turn and see your youngest brother and hug him.
'I actually enjoy seeing my sister, she the most normal out of are family, but... that not saying much.'
Kusuo looks annoyed but does accept the hug.
"Hi, Yn..."
Just then your dad came running down in a panic.
"Where's my new model kit?!"
He froze as soon as he saw his only daughter for the frist time in almost two years. He pulled you into a big hug.
"Ha ha hi papa."
"My little sunflower. You look more and more like your mother everyday!" Your dad lets you go and, started acting all lovely-dovey with your mom. You just roll your eyes in fake annoyance, your just happy they made up finally.
"How's my evil twin?"
'You see my sister is Kusuke twin, she like to call him that because he reminds her of an evil scientist from a manga she'd read as a child. Actually unlike our brother Kusuke, she pretty average in academic, and unlike me she doesn't have any psychic abilities. Although she more like Kusuke than anyone else.'
"Oh you know how Kusuke is, always busy. Anyway is it true that this is your first solo project?"
'Oh, my sister was originally a makeup artist but, she ended becoming a very successful director. Even stole a movie from some jerky big shot when she was still working in makeup.'
You let out a frustrated groan.
"It's... it's fine but I have to work with this guy..."
"He didn't try anything on you did he? I'll make him wish he was never born!"
You shake your hand and head in disagreement.
"No, no, no! Nothing like that!- 'That be better then what I witnessed.'- he's just... difficult to work with, plus he was rude to a friend of mine. Nothing crazy."
'Besides he creepy obsession with his sister.'
Your brother gave you a look you could only describe as grossed out and understanding your pain.
"He wouldn't be Mugami Tooru would he?" Kusuo asked.
You lifted an eyebrow at him.
"That sounded like you're met him in person. Do I want to know?"
"Fair. Anyway I going to grab some ice cream, I want to see how much things have changed since I've been gone, and say hi to Aoi, she still works at the convenience store right?"
You grabbed your purse and head out. As you're heading to the store you take you long hair out of its bun. I falls just past your back. You had been growing it out since you moved out of your parents' house. You walked into the convenience store and spot your oldest friend Aoi.
"Omg Yn! Your hair! It's so long now, you look amazing! How's America? Have you tried pot? Did you really get a tattoo? Do you have a foreigner boyfriend... or girlfriend? Is the food good? Is everything really bigger there? Did you really get in a fist fight with a famous director? Did you meet Deadpool!?"
You snort at her question.
"America's not bad. Yes, yes, no, it depends on the place, sometimes, no, and yes I have met Ryan Reynolds, he pretty cool. What about you how's life been treating you?"
Aoi giggled and told you about her hot boyfriend. You left after you bought ice cream for everyone. Just as you were almost home you see the pervy idol yelling at your brother.
'Ok, it black mail time.'
"How dare you spend time with my perfect Kokomi! You dirty pervert only I can marry her. My beautiful sister would never like a little creep like you!"
"Woooow what would your fans think if they heard this? What would you sister think, you sick fuck."
Tooru turned ghostly pale.
"M-m-miss Yuki?! Why are you here!"
"One, Yuki Ino is just an aliases also, you don't deserve to know my real name. Two, I'm staying with my parents who live here, at the house you're loitering at, and are currently harassing my younger brother in front of. I can see the tabloids already: Famous idol arrested for harassing High school student, wait till you find out why. Now, what will you do for me to prevent that? Hmm?"
You smiled sweetly.
'This is one of the many reasons why I am slightly afraid of my sister. She's like mom, but instead of getting violent when she angry, she completely destroys her enemies mentally and emotionally. One time this kid said something to Kusuke, not even an hour letter the kid looked like he aged twenty years, she is not to be taken lightly.'
"W-what do you want?"
You tap your chin like you're deep in thought, you darkly laugh. You looked at him like he something you stepped in.
"First, if you bully my little brother again I'll fucking castrate you, this is not a threat but a promise, Mugami Tooru."
"My real name is act-"
"I have no desire to know your real name. From now on your name is puppy, because you're going to be my bitch. If you understand puppy, then bark twice if you do?"
You saw Teruhashi glare at you but, then he became pale when you played the video. You paused it and, when he trys to take your phone, you hide it in your bra.
"You really wanna add sexual harassment to the crap I have over you."
Teruhashi looked defeated.
'I know, I should probably stop this but... there's no way I'm helping him. Maybe he'll learn not to be a creepy jerk after this.'
"I don't hear barking~"
"Woof! Woof!"
You smirk and pet his head like a dog.
"Good puppy. Now go home and practice your line, and if you do a good job at the shoot tomorrow I might be convinced to delete this video."
Teruhashi face is a deep red as he heads home.
"You handled that quite well Yn."
Kusuo said sarcastically.
"Hey! I didn't even bring out my teaser this time."
'And yet she the normal sibling in are family. She may be scary at times like this but, she's always trys to be there for me so she not that bad.'
"Oh! I got you some coffee jelly on my way back."
'Best sister ever.'

Should I continue this story?

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