Blood splattered on freshly fallen snow

Start from the beginning

Pain.  Darkness.


Patton POV
"Do you think Remy is okay?"  Logan asked, driving slowly through the snow.

"I'm not sure but Emile told me something bad happened and to get over to his house soon,"  I mumbled while looking at the text again. 

"I wonder what happened,"  Logan said to himself.  I didn't bother answering, knowing that it was a rhetorical question.

The snow was finally starting to let up but the roads were still pretty bad.  There were barely any other cars driving. 

Eventually we reached the neighborhood that Emile lived in.  But up ahead I could see flashing police lights and an ambulance.

My heart started pounding in my chest.  Something must be wrong.  Very, very wrong. 

Logan pulled over to the side of the road.  I quickly hoped out of the car.  Logan followed me over to whatever had happened.

But when I saw the scene, I gasped and started crying almost instantly.  Two cars.  Two bodies.  Blood in the snow. 

Logan grabbed me and pulled me into his chest so that I didn't look.  I could feel him shaking against me.  Wether from shock or cold I wasn't sure. 

I forced myself to turn around and look.  A bunch of police officers were talking with two people I didn't recognize.  They both seemed distressed.

Slowly, I turned and looked again.  Many emotions surged through me but I couldn't stop it.  Sadness.  Anger.  Pain.

Emile was lying in the snow, the side of his head busted open and bleeding heavily.  Half of his body was still under the car.  His eyes open and unmoving. 

Remy was lying a few feet from another car.  He was lying face down but he was twisted at the waist in a very uncomfortable looking way.  A pool of blond beneath him. 

I couldn't take it.  I started to collapse, not even noticed that Logan was on the phone with someone.  He managed to catch my but I was sobbing and starting to get delirious from shock.

My two best friends were lying in the middle of the road.  Both bleeding heavily and probably dead. 

Seconds later, Emile's parents came over to us.  Mrs. Picani was sobbing heavily, holding to her husband tightly. 

Then two more cars pulled up next to Logan's.  Everyone else got out of the cars.  No one said anything.  Virgil and Evan took one look and than refused to come back.  We were all in shock. 

I couldn't stop staring at their bodies.  Evan as doctors rushed around them and got them into ambulances.

I couldn't stop thinking about them the entire drive to the hospital.  Even Logan holding my hand tightly didn't help. 

The entire time we all waited in the emergency room lobby, I just stared at the floor and cried.  I couldn't make myself stop thinking about it.

Two cars.  Two bodies.  Blood splattered on freshly fallen snow.

Roman's parents and Evan's moms even showed up.  Everyone was scared.  Everyone was in shock.

"What even happened?"  Roman finally asked the question we were all too afraid to ask. 

Emile's Mom swallowed a lump in her throat and turned to us from where she was talking with the other parents. 

"Remy's Mom died in a car accident this morning,"  She started slowly.  "He got upset and ran off.  Emile ran after him.  I don't know how they got hit."

She broke down into sobs.  Ophelia was at her side pretty quickly, gently coaxing her back into a chair and soothing her.  

"My baby is going to die,"  She sobbed, shaking now. 

"No he's not,"  Ophelia assured her.  "They will both make it out alive."  Roman's Mom and Ophelia did their best to comfort Emile's Mom. 

Emile's Mom continued to sob and ramble about Emile.  She was upset.  She was truly terrified by the thought of loosing her child.

It hurt me to see her so upset.  I could bet a pretty penny that my mother wouldn't act like that if I were in the hospital.

"What's going to happen to the drivers that hit them?"  Damien asked.  Emile's Dad sighed and looked up from comforting his wife. 

"If Remy or Emile...die,"  He chocked the word out.  "They'll be facing serious prison time.  If they survive, they'll be paying all the hospital bills."

Damien nodded a bit, suddenly very interested in this.  I could see him being a lawyer one day.  Or at least going into a governmental or political profession. 

"What about Remy's Mom?"  Damien questioned.

"Remy didn't press any charged against the driver,"  Emile's Dad said with a shrug. 

We all fell back into silence, minus Emile's moms sobbing.  No one knew what to say.  No one wanted to think about Remy and Emile literally fighting for their lives just a few doors down from us. 

An hour passed.  Still silent.  I had moved a bit so that I was leaning against Logan.  My sobbing was reduced to slow silent tears.  I closed my eyes a bit. 

Finally, around four pm, a nurse walked over to us.  She had an exhausted look to her eyes and she was carrying to clip boards. 

"Are you all the friends and family of Remy Dormir and Emile Picani?"  The nurse asked. 

"Yes,"  Emile's Dad answered. 

"I'm so sorry for your loss,"  She said sympathetically.  "We tried our best but the injuries they sustained were too bad.  Neither of them survived."

Emile's Mom broke down into the most heart wrenching sobs.  An instant feeling of numbness washed over me.  I couldn't even bring myself to cry. 

I could barely even process what the nurse said.  Emile, my best friend for literally my entire life.  Remy, one of the best friends I made in high school.  The two people I considered my best friends. 

Everyone else was reacting similarly.  Some looked angry.  Some were staring numbly like me.  Some were crying.

I didn't want to think about it.  The two of them crumbled on the street.  Blood splattered on the snow.  Now cold corpses lying on hospital gurneys. 

Remy and Emile are dead.

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