I nod. "I haven't been able to contact them in a while. I've grown up with them using so I can't say I'm surprised," I admit, glancing up at her with the tears rolling down my face effortlessly.

She nods, her hand reaching out to my back. "I'm so sorry, Hayley."

I was asked a few questions about my parents and informed that I was able to pick up their stuff from the police station. They said it wasn't much. They were comforting and straight forward. They gave me contact information and offered me help to set everything up.

Once the door clicks shut, I lean my head back against the couch. The tears are constant, like my body is coping better than my confused brain.

"Hayley, I'm sorry," Liv says.

I nod. "I don't even know how to feel. They never cared for me. I'm upset, but I feel sort of indifferent," I admit, my hand moving to my cheek.

I feel guilty for feeling this way.

She nods. "That makes sense."

"I'm going to call Ross, okay?"

Liv nods again. "Yeah. Do you want me to sit with you?"

I nod now, moving my body so my head is resting on her shoulder. I grab my phone and dial in his number through FaceTime, hoping I'm not interrupting anything important.

I beg internally for him to pick up the phone.

I cringe at my reflection, wiping away the tears. My eyes feel dry.

Ross answers, his phone shuffling around. "Hi, bub. I'm just getting out of the shower. What's up?" He asks.

"Ross," I cry out his name, my emotions now taking over again as I see his blurry face.

He immediately grabs his phone to steady it, his eyes locking in on the screen. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

My bottom lip is quivering as the tears stream down my red face. "The cops came to the apartment," I begin. My voice sounds whiny. "My parents-"

I let out a sob, my hand going over my mouth as I can't even attempt to say that sentence.

They're dead.

My parents are dead.

Ross frowns immediately. "Oh god, baby. I'm so, so sorry," he says, thankfully picking up on what I was going to say.

Liv's arm goes around me, rubbing my shoulder gently. "Can I come see you earlier? Please." I ask, wanting nothing more than to just be in his arms. "If you have a lot to do, it's okay, I just... I need you."

"Yes, of course. I'll look into a flight immediately. What're you going to do about work? I'll find one for tonight. We can figure something out."

I shrug, the tears still flowing. "I'll call Mike. I don't care what he says. I just don't want to be here," I reply, struggling to suck in a breath. "Please, I really don't want to be here."

"Yes, baby. I'll do it right now, okay? I'm getting out my laptop."

I nod. "I'm going to the police station to get their stuff."

Liv glances down at me. "I'll come."

I inhale slowly, trying to settle my tears for now. I wipe my eyes. I'm happy I didn't wear makeup today.

"Let me figure this out. Call me if you need me, okay? Well - just call me once you're done at the station. I should have everything figured out." Ross says.

I nod. "Okay," I whisper.

He frowns at the camera. "I love you, baby. Be safe."

"I love you. Call you after," I reply then hang up.

Preacher Man // ross lynch + driver eraWhere stories live. Discover now