Chapter 16

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Chapter 16- Decision's

( Zac's P.O.V.) 

Iris tapped my shoulder and I removed my fangs from her neck. " Sorry love." 

" Don't have to be. You warned me and I didn't believe you."  

" That is how dangerous we really are." I said as I got off her.

" Don't-" She started as I got off the top of her. 

" If I don't, I'll drink you dry." 

" You can still fuck me, right?" 

I smirked as the moonlight finally started to come through the window. " Someone's more thirsty than me." 

I slid on my clothes on and went to the kitchen, popping those disgusting blood tablets in some water, then chugged it, me gagging afterward, my eyes glowing red. 

I hate full moons. 

( Tyler's P.O.V.) 

My transformation was horrid this time. 

I was stuck in mid-transformation for two hours and I almost died when one of my ribs impaled my heart somehow. 

I blacked out after I finally transformed and woke up in the same place I fell asleep at. 

" You look horrifying." Iris said as I walked into the house. 

" Thanks." I said blandly then went upstairs, finding Cole on our bed, sketching. 

He looked up and me, then his eyes turned wide. "  I am so sorry!" 

"  Just remember next time." 

He hugged me and I winced. " What's wrong?" 

I couldn't talk do to the blood filling up in my thought, which poured out onto the floor as I fell into Cole's arms.

( Ryla's P.O.V.)

The news was flooding everywhere about a sighting of a Pure Blood, along with a Dragon, Raging Werewolf and a Wendigo killing and eating young children. And mind you, this was only in the large community I was in.

As I was scribbling down tips and such from a bosting Dragon Slayer, I was noticed by a man who approached the table I was at. 

" I'm guessing you the Demon Princess who merged with her twin sister that a secret amount of people have noticed killing monsters around here." He said, not causing me to look up from my notes. 

( Yes, he is wearing a shirt) 

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

( Yes, he is wearing a shirt) 

" Are you here to kill me?" I asked, turning the page in my journal. "Because my reading system is a tad bit off currently." 

" You and I both know that would have already happened if I did want to kill you." He said, sitting down across from me, drawing some attention to us from across the room.

" I sence you want something?"

" Your help in something larger than these matters."

I looked up at him. " These maters are as large as the little group you're scouting for."

" Might as well stop the innocent, keeping to herself attitude now." He said, smirking. 

" Might as well," I exhaled as I went back to scribbling in my journal. " Mind me asking what your bosses are doing to this world?" 

" Find out for yourself, Sparky." He said, stabbing a knife into the wooden table, with coordinates on the handle.

He left the makeshift dining hall that I was in, and as he did, I was approached by a group of men. 

" Can I help you?" I asked, getting a very horrible vibe from them that made a chill go up to my back. 

They all aimed their weapons at me. "You're taking us to that location with you." 

" Yeah, no. I don't think so." 

" The hell you-"

" Look, either you start running, or your guts will be covering the walls. You pick." The voice of the man that had just talked to be said, filling the air.

As they were looking around, I took my pistol and fired, shooting out the leader's knee cap, then walked out casually, met by the man outside. 

" I appreciate the help." I said as my gun disappeared. 

"You need to be more careful until you get your powers back." 

" Don'tneed to point it out Dad, I'm aware. Guessing you're here to escort me?"

" More like introduce myself since we're soul mates." 

Yay, another person to fuck me silly.

The Hunter Series: Fight Like HellOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz