Chapter 9

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Chapter 9- Protector

Why did she keep it from me? 

I asked myself that question over and over again, trying to make sense of it. 

As the cold night air filled my lungs, there was a knock at my door. 

" Come in." I exhaled, putting out my cigarette. 

A pregnant demon woman with an apron on sat a tray of food on my bed. " I hope you feel better Miss." 

" Me too." I said exhaling as she left.

The smell of vegetable soup filled my nose, along with the smell of cheese and bread. 

But something was different. I could feel it. 

I took a bite and jumped when I saw my Father appear in the corner of my left eye. " Don't eat that." 

" You want me to starve." 

" It has bits of human heart in it." 

I said something that I didn't regret and it scared me. " It tastes fine to me."

" Eat this instead." 

" I'm fine, thank-"  

I vigorously started coughing, dropping the soup on the floor. 

" Damn it Sargent." My Father exhaled as he rushed over to my side. 

What the hell was going on? My body was on fire, and I felt darkness growing inside of me.

( Adrian's P.O.V.) 

My daughter collapsed into my arms, anger filling me. 

I try to keep her away from her true self and that bastard just drug her closer to it. 

" Everything-" One of the guards started before I cut him off. 

" Get her to Sarenne, tell her to do protocol thirty-five. I have to take care of something." 

The guard took Ryla and did as I told him as I teleported to the training ground, finding Sergeant dismissing his men.

" You had no right," I said confronting him as his men walked away. " How dare you." 

" It's time to wake her up. We need her power to-"

" She's just a kid!" I shouted, making my point clear. She's not ready." 

" Do you want the Demon Lord to do it for her?" 

" There's no chance in that." 

" Yes, there is. We all know it."

" Don't try that again." I said, filling my aura start to show. 

" You're making a mistake!" Sargeant yelled, making his aura known. 

" I mean it." I said as my shadow started towering over him, my eyes glowing bright red. 

" I'm not intimidated by your childish behavior." Sargent said blandly. 

" Do not make me cut our bond." 

" This is ridiculous Adrian!"

" When I say she's not ready, she's not ready. If you do that again you will pay." 

I teleported out of there, leaving Sergeant alone, but I appeared in Sareen's room at an awful time. 

My daughter screamed as Sareen continued the spell, Ryla's blackened veins burning into her skin. 

" Es con ester es Raven." Sareen said, then the veins disappeared with the smell of burning flesh. 

" You can't keep me out of control forever Father." Raven ( Ryla's true name/ self) said, her voice filling the room.

" As long as I am still breathing I will protect her." 

" You will not be able to for long." 

I stood guard as Sareen whipped Ryla's memory of the past few minutes, then taking her back to her room. 

" I will never leave your side ever again, my sweet girl," I said, putting the cover over her. " Now rest." 

" Adrian." Sergeant's voice said from the other side of the door.

" Don't." 

" You know it has to be done." 

" Why are you dying to make my daughter into a monster?" I whispered loudly as I appeared outside the door to Ryla's room. 

" She's not going to be turning into a monster. She needs to get stronger for what's coming."

" Please, just leave us-" 

" I'm not till I get this through your thick skull!" Sergeant yelled.

The sound of Ryla's quiet moan of pain came through the door.

" Want me to drag him out, Father?" Lilith's voice asked. 

" If you would." 

" As you wish."

" I am not done!" Sergeant yelled as Lilith dragged him through a portal. 

" Yes, you are." I exhaled. 

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