Chapter 14

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Chapter 14- What the hell is going on!?

( Ryla's P.O.V.) 

" Whoa!" I yelled as I dodged a muscular man's fist.

" KILL THE BITCH!" Half of the crowd screamed. 

The man pulled out a knife, and that was his last fight, I made sure of that.

He ended up with a broken arm, broken leg, and a knife in his jugular. 

I last lost control of my body. I didn't want to kill him.

Blood covered me and the fenced-in stage as the crowd went insane. 


What the hell?!

" Please exit the ring to gain your prize money!" The same voice yelled as the metal door opened. 

" Fucking piece of shit." My voice said out loud. 

But I didn't say it.

I was now watching the body I was in collect her money and exit the building basement, and enter the cold, snowy weather. 

The feeling I was getting gave me an idea of where I was. 

I was in hell. 

I started to try to make sense of all this, but I was snapped out of it when I was suddenly in control as I started walking into a wooded area, the sound of the stream intensified as I walked closer.

" Never thought I had a twin sister." My voice said in my mind as I saw what my new body looked like as I felt her spirit merging with mine.

" My voice said in my mind as I saw what my new body looked like as I felt her spirit merging with mine

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" I thought I died." 

" Your spirit linked to mine before you became nothing. Your lucky." 

I felt her powers, and memories merge with mine, and now I understood everything.

I was in Hell. One dimension of many.

I whipped the blood off of my face and went back into the town. 

It looked different, but it was still accurate of modern times. Just without cars.

This is going to be something else. I can just feel it.

The Hunter Series: Fight Like HellWhere stories live. Discover now