Chapter 10

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Chapter 10- Sidelined

( Ryla's P.O.V.) 

I woke up to Lilith cuddled against me, her head on my weirdly bigger bust.

" Lil?" I asked. 

She was sound asleep, and if I moved I knew she would wake up.

I noticed that I was no longer in my Gigai, but it looked like I had grown into a tall, long-haired,  slightly tanner, very attractive body. 

Of course, I had no idea what the hell had happened like in any of the situations like this.

I sat up, my boobs almost popping out of my now small grey tank top. 

I sat Lilith's head on my lap, her long hair covering her naked back as she whined, tightening her grip on my love handles.

I grabbed a cigarette from the nightstand and lit it, the still open window letting warm air flow in, the smell of fresh rainfall from last night filling my nose. 

A knock at my door made me turn my head, my Father's voice on the other side. " May I come in?" 

I covered up Lilith and my top half then invited him in. 

As soon as he saw me, he looked shocked like he knew what was happening. 

" Oh, hi Dad." Lilith said getting up off me, stretching, the cover I put on her falling off. 

" Dad!?" I basically yelled. 

" Get your clothes on." Father said, turning his head away from us.

" Come on. You made me. You shouldn't be shy looking at me." 

I got off myself and went into the linking room, shutting the door behind me, listening to the conversation between my sister and my Father as I cleaned up and put a bland dress that I found on.

It oddly fits me perfectly.

" Fine," Lilith said, then started getting dressed as I got out. " Meany." 

" Care to explain?" I asked him, filling that I was now blocked out of his mind, and Lilith's mind

" You two share the same Mother, but different versions in different dimensions." 

" Guessing some goes for Yukio and Rin?" I asked. 

" Yes." 

" Why are you here?"

" Diana wants you to join the meeting she has called." 

" Who?" 

" The succubus babe." Lilith said. 

" Please hold off on that for a while." I said, squizzing my eyes shut.

I opened them and I was in the meeting foom with five incubus brothers and a girl in a wedding dress. 

" Glad you could join us." The fairy squicked. 

The aura of the incubi brothers felt familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. 

" Looks like she's grown Adrian," Diana said, looking at me. " Where's Sergeant?" 

" Being dealt with. I will be your new Commander for the time being." 

" Very well. We will be hitting the Demon Lord's castle in one weeks time." 

" Where is this number coming from Succubus?" The lanky man asked. 

" We need to fully prepare ourselves for the final stage which will only take us a few days. And considering we have three demons from the most powerful house on our side, it still may be a shorter time limit. We have pinned him into a corner. The Demon Lord will fall." 

I watched as Diana walked over and cleared the table of the materials they had gathered for the gate spell, revealing a physical map of the Abyssal Plains. She pointed to a spot on the map, a peninsula surrounded by water labeled as " The Decaying Sea." 

" Why not just let us handle this?" Adrian asked. 

" I would like to kill him myself." Diana spat out.

" That's childish and you are aware of it. If we play around with this situation, he will strike us first." 

Diana twitched as Adrian's aura filled the room. Diana exhaled. " Your right." 

" You can stab his corpse as much as you want to when we are done, however, I'm only taking Lily with me." 

" The hell?" I asked. 

" You are needed here." 

" For what?" I asked. "You're striking first. They will not have time to do anything." 

Adrian exhaled. " Because you're too weak currently." 

" I'm not weak. I have battel ex-" 

" Your transforming." He snapped.

I was still clueless, and everyone staring at me wasn't helping.

Diana exhaled. " What he means is you are finally getting your true powers, along with your true self. He can no longer protect you from yourself." 

" The first lock has been broken. Your power has been awakened.  However, it will take a few days for it to take hold."

I stood there frozen, feeling he darkness appear in myself again. 

Without wanting to I darted out of the room and kept running until I hit a dead-end literally. 

I was so overwhelmed with my emotions, I didn't know what to do.

" She's doing that so she can feed off of you." Adrian's voice said, filling the air. " You have to shut it down." 

" How?" I basically cried. 

" You have to shut them off." 

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