Chapter 13

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Chapter 13-  Pain

The man broke our kiss, leaving me majorly disoriented. 

" You are coming with me little mate," He said. " I'll drag you if I have to." 

I saw his human-like form disappear, revealing him to have horns, a tail, claws, and very sharp fangs, then his human form appeared again. 

" What the hell are you? And what do you mean by mate? I'm not gay!"  

" We are meant to be together." He said. 

" I'm not gay!" I yelled again. 

" Your boner says otherwise." 

I could feel it digging into him. " Get the hell of me man!" 

I suddenly felt sleepy. 

" The hell?" I said, all groggy.

" Sleep. You need it." The man said. 

My eyes closed as he got off of me. 

I woke up in a small room, laying on a small bed. 

I got up, feeling weird.

I looked the room over, noticing a window. 

I bolted over to it, surrounded by the town. 

I was in the Slayer School. 

I grabbed my jacket, opened the window and landed on the ground, darting into the wooded area that was on the side of it.

I didn't get far before I started to feel weak. 

I needed blood. 

I prowled around, finally finding a young teen by themselves. 

I sank my fangs into his neck, sucking him dry in a matter of seconds.

His body hit the ground as I licked the blood of my lips. 

I needed more. I'm only at half my strength. 

I left, knowing I would be spotted if I didn't leave, then snuck through an open window of a house and killed a pregnant woman by snapping her neck.

I didn't know why, but the blood of a pregnant woman was delicious.

I whipped my mouth as a horn sounded, signaling that I should get the fuck out of dodge.

I jumped down, filling charged up and ditched the town. 

Ambros hadn't said a word to me, making me feel even better. 

I suddenly hot warm, which was very odd, so I took my jacket off, hearing dogs barking in the distance, smelling six different scents. 

I wasn't expecting to be able to feed so soon.

I circled back a little and killed the dogs first, then the people by fastly snapping there necks.

I drank till I smelled the man's scent filling the air. 

I ditched, then jumped into the river. 

I learned that your sent disappears when your underwater, but you could still smell the other person. 

He stood there, looking into the cloudy water, calling my name.

I waited until he moved on to start swimming downstream. 

I swam for days, then finally surfaced. 

" Ah," I winced in pain, pulling my shirt up to reveal a very deep full bitemark. " The hell?"

It wasn't healing either, which was odd, and it began to burn.

I collapsed on the ground as pain filled me, a man appearing in front of my face, bending down.

" What are you looking at?!" I asked, gritting my teeth, clinching the bitemark with my right hand

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" What are you looking at?!" I asked, gritting my teeth, clinching the bitemark with my right hand. 

" My mate," He growled as he moved my hand, pulling up my shirt. " Damn bastard bet me to you." 

I tried to run away to get out of there, but I collapsed again as the pain intensified, making me cry out.

The man walked over to me, sat me up and bit into my shoulder. 

" Your mine now, Ripper." He growled through his teeth.

( I know you guys are wondering what the hell is going on. This is a new character that I made that will become apart of the story along with the two men. This will be one of the many side stories and will tie into the main story soon.)

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