Chapter 5

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Chapter 5- Unspeakable 

" Remember, these things are not human. The only thing on their mind is to eat you," I said as the road began to swarm. " If we need to get out, grab onto me so I can teleport us out."

" We'll be fine miss." A male SWAT member said as his team opened fire, mowing them down simultaneously. " Mope them up for us Buffy." 

" Not just a vampire hunter!" I yelled over the gunfire, decapitating the reanimated heads that they downed.

" Well, you sure do look like her!" He commented. 

The horde was dispatched in no time. " How's your ammo?"

" We have plenty."

" Alright."

" MORE!" A female yelled. 

As gunfire filled the streets, more gunfire filled the air, but not from us. 

I couldn't locate it. 

I snapped out of it in time to save myself from a reanimated. 

" Stay close Buffy, come on!" 

Helicopters filled the sky, announcing that help has arrived. 

I was expecting some problems out of this, but it was going smoother than expected.

We crossed paths with the Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service halfway through the city. 

We had encountered more than the reanimated. It looks like different people will morph into different monsters like the Green Flu. The animals were also infected. 

The UBCS stuck with us, and along the way, we crossed paths with a very big threat that spoke only one word. 


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