Regretting nothing and returning the favor

Start from the beginning

Drew thought about it. Yes, he was tired of being harassed about it. Yes, he would like to me more. Yes, it would be a relief to finally get off his chest. But, was he ready for her to know how he really, truly feels?

"You're right." Drew suddenly declared, surprising May. "We are friends, but there is something I've been to scared to tell you."

"You, the magnificent Drew Hayden is afraid of something?" May questioned, even more shocked.

"Ha ha. Very funny. Anyway, I'm in love with this girl, but I'm having trouble dealing with it. It's hard because she is so amazing, super talented, and super beautiful." Drew remarked.

"So what's the problem?" May asked, hiding the jealousy bubbling up within her.

"She is really important to me and I would rather be her friend forever then lose her with a silly confession." Drew responded.

"Confessing your feelings is not silly Drew. There is nothing wrong with it unless you regret it." May remarked. "Do you regret your feelings?"

Drew just smiled and slowly shook his head. He then leaned forward, cupping her cheeks on his hand. May blushed has he came closer, not knowing what to expect. Drew planted his mouth on hers. Both their faces flushing a deep shade of red. May was to much in shock to do anything.

"I regret nothing." Drew answered when he parted.

He didn't give her the chance to reply. He left some money on the table, walked off, hands in pockets and a huge smile on his face.

May deflated back in her seat, still very much in shock. She could not believe that Drew had kissed her. Drew, her rival, her friend, her long time crush.

"That went well." Solidad appeared beside her.

"What!" May yelped.

"That's what Harley and I have been teasing him about." Solidad responded.

"You mean..." May trailed off.

"Yes." Solidad answered, knowing what she meant.

"Since when?" May asked, eagerly. Solidad gave her an odd look. "What?"

"Did you really forgot?" Solidad raised an eyebrow.

"I guess so." May shrugged.

"That night of the contest, the one we met at." Solidad informed. "I told you something about Drew. The reason why he was being so distant."

May thought long and hard about this, staring holes in the table as she tried to figure it out. Then, the memory suddenly popped into her head. The words Solidad had told her, that she didn't think anything of at the time.

"Oh...that..." May mumbled, shrinking in embarrassment.

"You really forgot about that?" Solidad chuckled a bit.

"What do you expect? I was 10 years old. I didn't really think about it back then." May retorted.

"Now that we are clear on Drew's feelings, what about you? Do you regret what he did or are you going to return the favor?" Solidad asked.

May suddenly stood up from the table, a new found sense of determination.

"Oh, I know just what to do!" May boomed.

"And that is?" Solidad questioned, curiously.

"To find Drew and tell him." May replied and stormed off without giving her friend a chance to speak.

May began the search for her traveling companion. A smile on her face as she pictured his reaction to her answer.

Meanwhile, Drew was walking around town, a smile still on his face. The kiss still fresh in his mind, giving him a whole new sensation. One that he wouldn't trade for anything, even if she rejected him.


He stopped at the sound of his name and turned to see May running toward him. She stopped in front of him, but paused to catch her breath before speaking.

"I take it you have made a decision." Drew stated. Even though he did expect rejection, he was not about to let it ruin his friendship with her.

"You bet I have!" May stood up straight, having collected herself.

"And?" Drew questioned, wanting a answer. May only smirked and grabbed a fist full of the collar of his shirt. "What are you doing?" Drew asked, quite alarmed.

"I'm just returning the favor." May replied.

She then pulled him down to her and kissed him, right on the lips. Drew quickly melted into the kiss, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her even closer.

"You regret doing that?" Drew teased when they parted.

"Never." May remarked, not letting go of him. "I regret nothing."

"I'm glad." Drew smiled.

"And I'm glad Harley and Solidad got you to finally admitted you love me." May retorted playfully.

"Ha ha." Drew rolled his eyes. "Very funny. I actually don't remember saying those exact words."

"Alright, well I guess I'll just have to beat you to it. I love you, Drew." May chirped.

Drew smirked and shook his head. "I love you too, May."

"There, now was that so hard?" May teased, poking his nose.

"I don't know, but if you don't stop being so adorable, I'll have no choice but to make you my girlfriend." Drew remarked.

"If you do that then I'll just return the favor and make you my boyfriend." May countered with a smile.

"I guess it's settled then." Drew stayed and cupped her face again. However, just before he could steal another kiss from her, someone interrupted.

"Oh look! Someone finally admitted he's in love!" Harley exclaimed, joyously.

"Harley." Drew growled, irritated that he disrupted the moment.

"Whoops. I'll leave you to it." Harley then bolted.

"Come on, let's forget him. Let's go. I want some ice cream." May tugged gently tugged his shirt.

Drew chuckled. "Do you ever stop eating?"

"Nope. Food is to good. Now let's go." May urged.

"Ok, ok, I'm coming." Drew smiled and followed her the the ice cream shop.

They got their frozen treats and made a date out of it. After that day, everyone knew about their relationship and they didn't even bother trying to hid it. They were to happy to care what their audience thought.


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