A spark of true love (part 1)

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Happy Valentine's Day! Well this one shot wasn't meant to be for Valentine's Day but it's about love and I didn't have anything else prepared so here we are. Also I wanted to thank @_KasumiToyama again for unexpectedly helping me come up with it from one of their story descriptions. So, thanks again, and I hope you all enjoy what I came up with :)


It was a pleasant enough day as a pair of long time friends caught up after what felt like forever. As usual, Drew and Solidad talked about contests and some possible techniques for the upcoming season. That is how it went now-a-days.

But soon they got into another topic entirely. One Drew dreaded, but also needed to find a solution to. Solidad, being the wise, all knowing friend she was, had just the suggestion. Not that Drew thought so.

"I don't know, Solidad." Drew frowned.

"You're the one who said you wanted to get your fangirls off your back. Why not look for real love in the process? It wouldn't hurt." Solidad pointed out.

"But a matchmaker? Do you really think I need to go that far?" Drew asked.

"Well, when you have as much luck as you do with relationships since...well, you know...I'd say yes. Besides, Maryjane is a really good friend of mind, and I know she'd give you a great deal." Solidad assured.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. And I thought we agreed not to talk about that." Drew grumbled.

"Just trying to prove a point." Solidad sighed. "You know, it has been almost 2 years and I think-"

"Solidad, please. I don't want to talk about it." Drew interrupted.

"I know. I'm sorry, but I really think you should, at least, go see Maryjane. She is a miracle worker when it comes to love. Even when people don't see it themselves. It might even make you feel better about...what happened." Solidad reasoned.

Drew groaned, mumbling a few choice words under his breath, but gave in anyway. Who knows, she might be right.

"Fine. What do I have to do?" Drew asked.

Solidad smiled happily.

"Well, lucky for you, her office is in this town. I'll give her a call and tell her to expect you. All you have to do is show up when I tell you. Got it?" Solidad answered.

"Great. I can't wait." Drew said sarcastically. "Now can we please chance the subject?"

"I guess. Just promise me details after you're done." Solidad remarked.

"Yes, now I'm changing the subject." Drew replied.

Solidad chuckled as Drew started a long rant about the troubles of keeping his Pokémon's coats in pristine condition. Arceus knows he won't except anything less.

Meanwhile, across town, May Maple was out for a stroll. She had just chowed down on a huge lunch, and had picked up a call from one of her friends.

"Hey Dawn! It's great to hear from you. How have you been? Anything new?" May asked into her phone.

"Hi May." Dawn greeted. "I've been doing really well. Ash just surprised me with a cute little double date set up for us and Pikachu and Buneary. It was a bit...all over the place, but still really sweet. You should have seen it."

"That's...that's great." May mumbled sadly.

"Oh, May, I'm so sorry. I totally forgot!" Dawn apologized.

"It's fine Dawn. Things just...happen." May sighed.

"I know, but that doesn't make it hurt any less. Are you sure you are feeling ok? I know you said the break up was mutual and everything but are you absolutely positive you're ok with it?" Dawn worried.

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