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Lee's POV

After a day of heavy trekking, they still hadn't reached Netty's world. Everyone was in low spirits- sub-zero low.

Despite the fact that they'd been hiking since long before dawn, no mobs, not even a single zombie, had approached them. That alone made Lee nervous. Were they in any way part of Hit the target's 'evil' plan?

His train of thoughts was broken by Amy flopping to the ground in a clearing in front of him. Since shed fainted, she'd been looking too frail for anyone's liking, but she'd insisted on leaving.

"Please can we have a rest now? Please?" she begged, and when Stampy turned to Leo questioningly, he was only too happy to nod his assent.

Squid placed down some beds, but as it was late afternoon, no one really felt like sleeping, so Lee left the chatting group to cool off in a nearby lake. He was looking forward to some peace and quite... Or so he thought.

The first sign that he wasn't alone was when a thin stream of water hit him in the back, nearly knocking him over. He turned to see Squid laughing his head off.

Grinning, Lee hypnotised Squid, and used his own powers against him. He made Squid lift a huge pool of water above his head, and stopped hypnotising him only just before the water landed on him; Squid came to his senses to be drenched with water a split second later.

Stampy canonballed into the lake, and pretty quickly, it turned into an all-out water fight. Water was literally going everywhere.

Squid's POV

Squid was about to drench Lee and Stampy when he noticed Amy sitting forlornly on a bed. He was about to yell at her to join in when he realised that it wasn't not joining in that was upsetting her. The way she was staring hungrily at Lee and Squid when they used their powers made it obvious.

She wanted a power.

He quickly went and told Stampy and Lee. They all got out of the lake, dried themselves off, and they went and sat on the beds. Squid put his tentacle on her shoulder, and she leant into him, hugging his chest. (Sqamy!! Sqamy!!)

Lee stood up, and quietly started speaking.

"I discovered my power... By accident? I wanted Cassie to do something really really badly, I really, really focused on it... And it happened"

Squid spoke as well.

"I was pretty similar, but the water enhanced my powers. It was like I could see better, hear better. I focused on the water and..."

Amy stood up and moved to the lake. When she spoke, she was quiet, but her confidence was evident.

"Like this?" She asked, and lifted up the lake.

Somanycliffhangers! Pleasedon'thateme =-O

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