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Amy's POV
Things had been strange in Stampy's World lately. First the powers, then Gigi, and now two new helpers who had magical powers? Yep, all completely normal. But what about when Stampy took out a whole room of googlies singlehandedly? There had to be something to do with his power in that particular event.

Amy's mind trailed off, and she found herself thinking about another certain thing that'd happened when they rescued their friends. Her pale cheeks flushed a bright red, and Lee, who was in the room sorting ingots into chests, smirked knowingly.

And that was a problem: Lee knew. Amy didn't know how what, or more importantly, how much Squid had shared with Lee about what had happened- well, nearly happened. The most confusing thing was that Amy wasn't even sure if she was glad that Stampy had interrupted them or not.

And that annoyed her.

Stampy's POV
Stampy said goodbye to Laura and Jake as he left the hospital, and walked up towards his house. He was nearly there when Finball and Longbow came running up, out of breath. He waited for them to stop panting before he asked "Hey guys, can I help you with anything?"
"Um, yeah." Longbow replied, looking around nervously.
"We tried to tell you when you got back from Htt's lair, but Amy wouldn't let us."
"And then there wasn't any time during the attack."
"The thing is, Stampy... We've got powers." Finball said.
"Well, not powers as such, but..." Longbow continued.
"That's great! What can you guys do?" Stampy interrupted cheerfully.
There was a long pause, before Finball spoke.

"An... An army appeared during the middle of the day you were captured. I talked to Amy, and she says from what I said, the army appeared at the exact time you were given... Whatever power you have." Finball said.
"And an army of archers!" Longbow added.
"Yeah. So... We can control our own armies... The 'troops' don't seem to have any feelings, they just follow our command, so..."

Stampy let the news sink in, and before he could help it, a grin spread across his face. Longbow and Finball looked at him curiously, so he spoke.
"Hit the target has his work cut out."

Heeeeeey guys, sorry only just updated and it's so short, we went away over the weekend and there was no WiFi :( But I'm back now, hope you guys likey! Please VOTE and COMMENT!

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