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Stampy's POV
Stampy's friends began finding their powers with a vengeance. Some's were obvious, Rosie found she could control all birds, and after a slight incident involving... Her falling onto her stomach... She discovered she could slide really fast on her front. She used this to take out enemies from a long distance.

Others' powers were a bit less obvious. For example, Salem had what Stampy called 'flower power'. She found it quite by accident, when she was talking to Stampy. She gestured at a patch of grass, and almost immediately, a flower appeared. The next day, when Stampy went over to her room (to cover it with dirt) she could not only grow flowers, but trees, which blocked the enemies' way, and vines, which she could warp around ankles or arms.

Stampy called hello to Jake, who was spurting lava around his (now fireproof), as he walked past his room. Jake noticed Stampy, and stuck his head out the door.
"Hey Stampy, Ash found something interesting. He thinks it could be to do with his power." Jake yelled.
"Uh, where is he?" Stampy asked.

Jake didn't even bother to look around. "LAURA?!" he shouted, and Stampy saw the foot next to his open. Laura trotted out.
"Yeah? This had better be good, I was busy. What is it?" She asked.
"Can you find Ash for us?" Jake begged.
"Ok, fine." She sighed, and closed her eyes. Stampy looked bemusedly at Jake, who pointed back to Laura. She spun around a couple of times, then opened her eyes, and said "1st floor, Choochoo's room."

When Stampy arrived, he could hear Choochoo angrily saying something.
"No way. That's not fair!"
Ash laughed, and said something Stampy couldn't quite catch.
"Uuuuuuugh." Choochoo groaned.

Stampy pushed open the door, and asked "what?"
"I've just found my power. I was really hoping it was nothing to do with being a Leprechaun, but..." Choochoo stopped, and Ash continued
"He can create rainbows!"

Stampy stared at Choochoo in shock, and then he couldn't help it, he started laughing. When he could breath again, he asked Choochoo want he could use them for.
"I dunno. I can run up the rainbow, then down the other side, but it doesn't take me anywhere useful. Unless..."

He ran excitedly to a clear spot in the room, and pointed both his hands at a space on the ground. A rainbow appeared, filling the room with changing colours. Choochoo dragged Stampy and Ash onto the rainbow, and the second their feet touched the rainbow, they became see through. Stampy stared down at his paw, then tried to touch a wall- but he went straight through it!

"So, at the moment, this rainbow will take me about 50 blocks in that" Choochoo pointed "direction. But maybe, just maybe, if I say where I want to go..."

He seemed to pull the rainbow back into his hands, then clearly said "Ash's room." as he made the rainbow appear again. They all ran eagerly up the rainbow, and when it started to slope downwards again, Stampy realised that Choochoo was right, the rainbow had taken them straight into Ash's room.

"Ok, so, Ash, Jake said you found something interesting?" Stampy asked, as Choochoo called out "kitchen!" and ran off.
"Um, yeah, I was looking through my family history, and found out... Uh, somehow, my mother's mother... Was a ghast."
Stampy stared at Ash. There was a long silence, as Stampy looked closely at Ash's face. He did actually look a bit like a ghast, his skin was unnaturally pale and his eyes were slightly bigger than a normal human's.

"So... That'd mean you have ghast powers?" Stampy questioned.
"Well, I've been trying, but I can't fly." Ash replied dejectedly.
Stampy sat down on the floor, and thought. And thought and thought. Suddenly, an idea came to him.


"Excuse me?"
"Fireballs!" Stampy shouted excitedly, and when Ash still looked confused, he elaborated "Ghasts can shoot fireballs, right? So why not you?"
Ash nodded excitedly, and then his eyes turned purple.

"Hey Stamps, Lee here. I know, I know, the whole purple thing, I've really gotta talk to Gigi about that. Anyway, can you get down to the meeting room? Sqaishey and Tomo have found their powers. So, yeah, get down here!"

Ash collapsed, and his eyes went back to normal. "Wha...what?" He spluttered weakly.
"Lee. I've gotta go." Stampy replied, and started jogging out.

Helloooooo, sorry this is a little late, but yeah, I've got school tomorrow >.< WHYYYYYYYY? Ahem, sorry. Anyway, hope y'all enjoyed. I think I should give you a warning...

This book will be over soon :(

Well, when I say soon, I mean probably around Chapter 30. But yeah, if you want to know a 'secret' (it's not really a secret, but whatever), I posted it a while ago on my Le Book Of Stuff.

So, that's it for this week guys, please VOTE and COMMENT :)

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