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Thank you to anyone who read this! There may be a little bit    of Sqamy (is that the best ship name for Squid and Amy??) Oh, and the next bit takes place a bit before the last chapter...

L for Lee's POV

Lee was actually quite worried about Stampy. Not that he was showing it, of course. Amy and Squid had elected him as leader in Stampy's absence, and leaders can't be scared. 


Duncan barked in front of them all, bringing Lee's thoughts back to the rescue mission. Ever since Duncan and Mittens had been on a walk with Stampy, and the two kitty cats both disappeared, he'd been frantic. No-one was  actually sure who he loved more: Stampy was almost like his brother, but Mittens... well, can dogs have girlfriends? Lee shook his head and chuckled. It was a strange relationship, but it was cute that being different didn't bother them.

"Hello? Lee, mate, you listenin'?"

Squid shook one of his tentacles in front of Lee's face. They had stopped, in the middle of a spruce biome laden with snow.

"Yes, sorry"

Amy piped up from in front of Duncan

"I think we're close. Duncan seems excited"

That was true. Although Duncan was panting from the unforgiving journey, there was a glint in his eye that suggested they were close to both Stampy and Mittens.

"So, straight ahead then?" No one disagreed, so then started walking forwards. Before they had got a few paces, however, Duncan started growling. Lee whipped his bow off his back, as a reflex, but there were no googlies anywhere.

"I think we're going the wrong way" pointed out Squid.

But the same thing happened when they went off of the track, both east and west.

"Well we're not going back the other way" shouted Amy as she came running back onto the track. 

And suddenly Lee knew what to do.

"We can only go one way. Down"

Squid's POV

As Lee was the leader, he started digging steps downwards. Amy followed, and Squid was at the back. They had been digging around half an hour when Amy stumbled, and fell past Lee into the cave he'd just mined into. A cave which contained a lake of lava.

There was no time to think. Squid pushed past Lee, and grabbed onto Amy's wrist. A spark shot through his arm, but he pulled with all his might. He was being dragged to the edge, but he yanked backwards, and tumbled at Lee's feet, with Amy on top of him.

Groaning, Squid slumped backwards and closed his eyes, but then he heard Amy shakily exhale. Amy! He quickly opened his eyes and scanned her body for burns. Thankfully there were none.

"Is everyone OK?" asked Lee.

"Yes, I'm fine. Amy hasn't got any burns" Squid quickly replied.

Amy shot him a questioning look, which he returned with a small smile.

She looked away and pulled out some splash potions.

"Fire resistance" she said shortly when Lee asked what they were. She splashed them against a wall, and jumped into the lava.

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