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Hey guys, if you want to be in the story, have ideas for any character's powers, or have any characters you think I should know about, then please message moi! Oh, and there will be a load more characters, so, you know. ;-)                                                                

This chapter is dedicated to Minecraft_aka_Maddie, my first sub, and an amazing writer. Go check out her books!

Stampy's POV

Stampy woke up to find he had a metal chain around his waist, and a splitting headache. He followed the chain to the wall of the damp, dark cave he seemed to be trapped in. Briefly, he glanced across the walls of the cave, and found a door. For a fleeting moment, Stampy felt triumphant, but then he realised there was no handle, and as the door was made of rock, there was no way it was going to budge.

After trying anyway, Stampy was completely worn out. Even though the floor of the cave was slimy and covered in a weird moss, he sank down and tried to remember how he'd got here. He could remember walking to the Fun Land with Duncan and Mittens... and then Mittens was gone... and then, finally, pain. Not dissimilar to the one he was feeling now, actually. Wincing, he lay back against and closed his eyes.

*****************************5 hours later******************************

"Awake yet, are you?" Hit the target's voice oozed through the now open door, so cold and slimy like a snake it made Stampy shiver. Inwardly, he groaned. He should've known! Everything that went wrong in Stampy's lovely world, from a burnt cake to a missing dog, was Hit the target.

"Do you know why you're here?"

'No' thought Stampy. Obviously, Hit the target would kidnap him to start a war, but then why were they both here? So hit the target could taunt him? To try one of his 'genius plans'?

Just as Stampy had decided the latter, Hit the target spoke again

"Well, seeing as you seem to be even more stupid than I remembered, I'll tell you. You will be the victim of one of my genius ideas, which have so far only been... postponed. But you wouldn't need one of my plans to be the hero to your brainwashed friends, would you?" His venomous tone shocked Stampy. Brainwashed??

"Every fairy tale needs a good old fashioned villain (shout out to the first to name the amazing programme that come from!). It's just a shame, that after all your heroic triumphs, it's you."

What? Stampy was immensely confused. Him? The villain?

"Without me, you're just a mangy cat who can't YouTube. With me however, you're a hero. But I'll break the spell you've put on them, and rid them of the tyrant who is abusing my lovely world. I'm the hero!"

The sinister and slightly bizarre environment rapidly evaporated in front of Stampy. He was laughing so much he nearly couldn't speak. Nearly.

"your... lovely world? don't you... mean my.... lovely... world? Aah, you're ...the hero? in... your dreams!"

He had expected Hit the target to explode in rage, but a weird calm settled on Hit the target's face.

"Well, if you were the hero, then you would know about the powers of this lovely world. You would know that in this very seed is a combination of numbers, that when placed in such a way as they have been, releases the power of Minecraft to the world. However, the one true hero of that world can absorb the power. When they have fully absorbed the power they shall be the ultimate warrior, without having to use their power holder."

"You're actually insane!" but even as Stampy said it, he was digging through his mind for some kind of explanation. He hadn't absorbed any power, had he? His expression was obviously revealing his thoughts clearly. Hit the target walked up the length of the cave where he had been pacing furiously for the length of his speech. He brought his face up to Stampy's, and all but spat in his face.

"So you haven't absorbed the power? Then what have you been doing to it? You... have... TAINTED IT"

This was definitely getting weirder. Hit the target was treating Stampy like he was some kind of mould or something. At the moment, Hit the target was being harmless- talking couldn't hurt anyone- but with Hit the targets temper and possible madness, Stampy didn't want to take any chances.

Stampy reached behind him for his sword, hoping it was still there. Phew. At least Hit the target hadn't been clever enough to take it away from him. But he knew that now wasn't the time to attack. He'd have to wait for the right moment.

"My friends will NEVER follow you if you kill me"

"Oh I'm not going to kill you, no, I'm going to free the power from the

stain your so called power has created"

Hit the target suddenly pulled out a rusty metal key with a flourish.

"Now, I'm going to unlock you, nice and slowly, OK, no sudden movements, and I'm putting the key in the lock and..."

As soon as Stampy felt the pressure on his waist loosen, he ran past his arch rival and out of the door.

He found himself in a blindingly white room. A huge machine and some kind of cage flashed past as he ran round the outside of the room, searching for an escape. Before he knew it, he had run round the whole room without finding a door. Stampy screeched to a halt in front of Hit the target.

"Silly, silly, silly little cat. Did you really think it would be that easy? Now, seeing as you're free, would you do me a favour and buckle yourself into that machine? Or would you like your friend, gloves is it, hurt?"

Stampy frantically turned his head, and realised that the cage thing he had previously thought was empty actually contained Mittens. So Hit the target had captured her! But what about Duncan? Stampy couldn't see him anywhere. Maybe Hit the target had missed him, or maybe Duncan has ran away when they were looking for Mittens. She meowed pitifully, and Stampy could make out a scar on her side.

"If you hurt her... I. WILL. KILL. YOU." Stampy tried to lunge at Hit the target, but he quickly dodged through Stampy's outstretched arms, and in one quick, fluid movement, grabbed Mittens out of the cage and held a knife to Mittens' throat.

Stampy froze, and let out his breath in a hiss. He couldn't give into Hit the target this easily, but he couldn't let Hit the target hurt anyone, let alone a fellow kitty cat. Sighing, he sat down in the bulky machine and strapped himself into the various parts.

"Oh, and don't even think about attempting to escape. I have been working on this machine for a very long time, but there is still a teeny-weeny-winy chance you might be electrocuted. Careful now!"

Stampy held his breath; for a second scared, but then let it go. There was no way this machine was actually going to work, no way that... A jolt of power flickered between two coiled wires as Hit the target flicked a couple of switches and levers that stuck prominently out of a metal panel close to Stampy's face. Hit the target smiled evilly, and pressed a button. And then a beam of glowing white light shot into Stampy's chest. The world went black.

CLIFFHANGER!!! Yay! Anyways, I just finished my first chapter! Ever! (on Wattpad anyways) So, thanks to YOU, reader- if anyone actually reads this-for taking the time to read this. I will welcome constructive feedback and comments etc. but no hating please!

To the next chapter!

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