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This got deleted so I had to completely rewrite it... sorry 's so late :/

EDIT: Wattpad un-deleted the chapter, so I've updated it to the original XD

Amy's POV (haven't had her in a while XD)
Amy hummed happily as she watered the lovely jubbly love love petal that Squid had given her. It had only just started to bloom, and its soft, sweet scent filled the room.

She heard someone come in the door, and turned around to see Sqaishey.
"Hey gurl." She said "Wazzup?"
"Nothing much." Sqaishey replied, as Amy sat down by the edge of the pool Stampy had dug in her room.
"Sooooo, why're you here?"
"Maybe just for a friendly visit?"
"Nah, you'd wait until lunch, and gossip with me then. What is it?"

Sqaishey laughed, then replied seriously "meeting in the conference room. About the powers."
Sqaishey pulled Amy to her feet, and they set off towards the 1st floor. The silence, whilst at first was companionable, soon became awkward, and Amy searched for something to say.

"Have you found your power yet?" She finally decided on.
"Um, I'm like 99% sure." Sqaishey replied nervously.
"Awesome, what do you think it is?" Amy asked encouragingly as they reached the door to the conference room.
Sqaishey gritted her teeth and answered "you'll see" as she opened the door.

Everyone was already seated, with Stampy lounging comfortably at the head of the table.
"So, guys. Powers." He called out as Amy and Sqaishey took their places.
"I've found mine." yelled Tomo Hawk "I never miss with a bow and arrow."
"What, never?" Amy asked interestedly.
"Nope. I've tried."
"Awesome." Stampy shouted "Anyone else?"

Sqaishey straightened up, and replied "I'm pretty sure I can fly."
Stampy stares thoughtfully into space for a few seconds, then said "makes sense. From the way you said it, you don't know yet, so test it out asap, please."

There were a few positive mumbles, then Stampy shouted "Anyone else? At all?"
There were no replies, so Stampy yelled "meeting dismissed!"

As soon as Amy stood up Sqaishey pulled her out the door.
"C'mon. You don't think I'm testing this alone, do ya?" She grinned.
"Well, no. Duh. Shall we climb to the top of the mountain, and you can jump?"
Sqaishey looked scared for a couple of seconds, so Amy reassured her "into the pool, in case it doesn't work."

They finally made it to the top of the mountain. Amy was shivering, the wind was biting, as was Sqaishey, but Amy suspected it was more nerves than anything else. She smiled encouragingly at her, then tried to shout "Ok, so, go?" Above the wind, but her teeth were chattering too much. Sqaishey signed that she couldn't hear, so Amy pointed at her, then the pool, which seemed a long way down from the dizzying heights of the top of the mountain.

Sqaishey nodded, then pulled out some ladder. Amy watched as she stepped up to the edge... And jumped.

She willed Sqaishey on in her head. 'Fly, fly, fly' she chanted, watching as Sqaishey dropped lower and lower. Sqaishey was now so low down that Any couldn't see her face, and suddenly, Amy realised Sqaishey wasn't going to fly. There was an almighty splash, and a few seconds later, Sqaishey surfaced.

There was a long wait whilst Sqaishey placed the ladder back up the mountain, and eventually climbed the side Amy. She tried to say something, but the howling wind drowned everything but Amy's heartbeat out. She pulled out a shovel, and dug a couple of blocks down, making a small cave.

"I really thought you were going to do it." She said comfortingly as Sqaishey dropped down, but from the look on her face, Sqaishey didn't seem convinced.
"I bet I can't fly at all. I bet.. I bet I don't even have a power."
"Sure you do! It's flying, I'm sure of it!" Amy said, and then regretted it as Sqaishey looked angrily at her.
"If it is, how come I couldn't fly?"

Amy searched around for a good reply, and blurted out the first thing she thought of: "maybe you need to flap your wings at the same time, justf to start you off."
Sqaishey suddenly sat up, and Amy could see she was thinking about it.
"Hmmm. Maybe. Hey, what have I got to lose? I'll try."

Amy followed Sqaishey out of the cave, and gave her the thumbs up. Sqaishey breathed once, twice, and then jumped again.

This time, Sqaishey looked more in control as she flapped her wings. They slowed her falling, but she wasn't flying just yet, her power alone would give her that ability. Suddenly, Sqaishey pulled up, stretching her wings out as she swooped upwards. She came level with Amy as she squealed "I can flyyyyyyyyy!"

Amy grinned, Sqaishey's glee was infectious as she dived, glided and loop-the-looped. It turned out, Amy was right after all.

So, that's the original one, hope y'alls like :)

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