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So, hi guys, some of you might know where this is going... but if not, then what are you reading the author's comments for? Go, go, go!

Lee's POV

Lee could see the panic in Stampy's eyes. Amy goes all weird purpley-eyes and then everyone is missing? Yep, excuse for a bad day. Lee almost wanted to hypnotise Stampy to calm down.... but he wouldn't do that. Anyway, it seemed like he wasn't the only one who could hypnotise people...

As soon as he thought it, his whole mind screeched to a halt, like "woah, wait a second..."

It wasn't Amy talking!

"Guys, guys guys guys guys!" he yelled, and ran back over to Amy.

"Guys it wasn't Amy talking, right?!"

"I guess" Squid replied miserably.

"Sooooo... we have an ally, somewhere, that's been captured by Hit the target. Well at least that's what 'Amy' said" Lee broke off to gesture speech marks in the air ", because it wasn't Amy! 'Amy' said 'we've been captured', and she obviously hadn't, because... she was right there in front of us! SO it had to be someone who was controlling her, hypnotising her, making her say that!"

Warming up to what Lee was saying, Stampy joined in.

"I bet that's why her eyes were purple! Like, whoever has the power to control people, their power... manifests in purple"

Lee smirked. Since when did Stampy use words like 'manifest'? But no, he needed to concentrate. They'd have to save everyone, the mystery hypnotist included.

Stampy's POV

Power surged through his weary body- there was nothing like a deathly threat to get you going in the morning. He could do this, he could fight Hit the target... And he could finally get some answers about the whole 'power of the lovely world' thing.

"So, who have we got?" Stampy yelled.

"Um me, you, Squid and Amy" Lee replied.

Stampy frowned. It was unlikely they'd be able to successfully break into htt's camp, rescue ALL of the citizens of Stampy's lovely world, and break back out again, unnoticed. They'd have to call in back-up. But who was there to call?

And suddenly the thought arrived, unannounced, in Stampy's mind. It was clear was he should do next.

He'd ask Netty!

He could travel to her world, and then double back to Hit the target's camp (at least, he hoped it was still Hit the target's camp). He explained to the rest of the group, once Amy woke up, about an hour later. It seemed like the best plan, so, the next day, they set off.

WoohIfinallygotthisout!!! IwasgoingtowaituntilChristmas, but... IFINISHEDITSOHEREITIS! MerryChristmas!

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