Chapter 18: The Start of a Big Night

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Pic is of what Allie looks like. If you had anyone else in mind just tell me.

It's been about a week since I came with Nat and we've found just about nothing. We saw the target's picture and then we saw nothing else. Finally a thought came to me.

"Hey, Nat..." I said slowly, sitting up from my upside down position on the hotel chair.

"Mmhmm..." she hums flipping through the newest weapons catalog.

"This... Hagge guy... he's German, right? And the, um, people that had me... they were German. But that's not what I'm getting at. Well, it kinda is. The person on the steak out said something to me. I-" I sighed and slouched in my seat. "I don't remember what he said after, but he said something along the lines of 'We'll find you'. I don't really remember it all." I said scratching the back of my head. "I musta hit my head really hard..."

"Yeah. But I was surprised you didn't get any burns from the blast." Nat says looking up from the pages.

"I-.... I guess your right. Do you have any satellite or security footage from the scene?" I asked in hopes that I can replay it.

"I can look..." she pulled out her laptop and typed a few things before she spoke up. "Here it is. But don't spend too much time on this." She stood up and slightly ruffled my hair on her way out of the room to check if Luke was here or if there we any signs of him.

I clicked the play button on the keyboard and watched as the target ran and I threw my knife. I skipped to the blast and it surprised me. Instead of blasting out in a ball of flame, it almost vaporized everything it was on. But only a millisecond before the blast I pushed myself up and stumbled backwards and was pushed into the car behind me. I quickly pulled the S.H.I.E.L.D issued phone out of my back pocket of my jeans to call Nat.

"Hey... you might wanna get over here..." I say slowly and hung up after I was done. Minutes later she's sitting next to me as I play the video back to her. "And look, it doesn't combust, it... vaporized?" I half asked then looked at her for a reaction.

"Wait..." she took the laptop off the desk and put it in her lap. "If you pause if here, look! See that? Right there." She explained pointing at a small dot on the explosives.

"Is that a-"

"Bullet? Yes. This is great. Well, at least we know he had another man doing this. The target probably couldn't make contact or would be terminated." She said all too quickly for me.

"Woah... Slow down. Are you saying I'm right?" I said putting my hand up in the air for an emphasis of slow down.

"Well," she says standing and folding her arms pacing, what she does when she thinks. "You are right. This guys was probably in communication with Hagge and they wanted no contact..." she said slower this time.

"We need to tell Fury."

"Don't worry I'm on i-" she was cut off by the ringing of both of our comm sets. I furrowed my eyebrows and picked up the bluetooth set.

"Agent Daniels." I said after I pressed the flashing button to answer.

"We need you to leave the Hagge mission. We already know you're a good agent. We need you on something else." I heard Agent Hill report in my ear.

"But ma'am we ju-"

"Direct orders from Fury." Is all she said to keep me quiet.

"Wait... what's going on?" I asked Coulson.

"Well, I have a meeting with Ms. Potts today, and I was wondering if you wanted to come along." He stated more than asked.

"Well, sure sir. Is there anything I need to know?"

"Well..." Coulson sighed and looked down then back up. "There's this thing... thing that I've been working on for a while. I took it to Director Fury yesterday and told me that in order to initiate this, well... initiative, I'd have to have members so I need to recruit. And to do that, I need to figure out just how Stark got out of captivity nine months ago." I nodded at the information Coulson gave me.

"And Agent Romanoff, you will be on standby until further notice." Coulson looked over to her and after walked out to the hallway with me. "Go pack your things. Wheels up in thirty."

Yes. I know it was a really short chapter in not so short time but I was trying to figure out how to get here and I finally have. I have caught up to the movies and I shall be happy where I am for the next while. But I probably won't be updating this next week cause it's my last week of school and I was just sick so I missed a few days and have a crap load of work to do so I'll try to update soon. Biiiiiiiiiii


Ps. thanks to @paynexnelson for helping motivate me to write this.

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