Chapter 16: Redemption

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I walked through the hall hearing a soft patter of footsteps that wouldn't be heard by anyone else.

"Um, what are you doing?" Nat called from behind me.

"It's called walking. Ever heard of it?" I asked opening the door to an analyst room.

"Ha ha. But seriously. You were just blown back twenty feet into a car. I think you should be resting." She said coming up alongside me.

"Well if you forgot I've gone through worse. And you didn't even get a glimpse of what really went on. And Fury says I gotta find who this number belongs to, so I'm going to listen to him." I said flopping down onto a chair.

"What happened back there?" Nat asked. I heard the screech of the chair legs against the floor as she pulled it from under the desk to sit in it.

"What do you mean?" I said slightly distant as I typed codes for tracing the number.

"You were opening up... you were having a good time. Then here we are just focusing on the damn number." I could hear the frustration in her voice as I hacked into a couple of satellites.

"Well... I guess I just was never a people person. I've had trust issues since I was five. I think I'll survive for the rest of my life." I said as I accessed the contract and bill for the number. "Well... Looks like it was a disposable purchased by a Luke Hagge (pronounced hay-gee) ... Germany... not sure if it's an alias or not though." I clicked on a few things and typed a couple codes until security footage came up.

"Is that him?" Nat asked reaching to the holographic screen and pointing to a boy about five years older than me purchasing a phone.


"And your gunna run facial recognition on our databases, right?"

"Yup." I said typing an access code and sending the video and documents to the conference room that Fury was situated in. After hearing the little 'whoosh' of it being sent I got out of the seat and walked out of the room with Natasha on my heels.

"You did that in fifteen minutes how?" she asked with disbelief evident in her words.

"Did Tony not tell you? I have an IQ of 182 and growing." There was silence after my words as we walked down the corridor a little more and back into the conference room.

"Something wrong?" Fury asked looking up at us.

"Nothing, sir." I answered causally. "But for a spy, Romanoff sure talks a lot." Said reaching for the tablet that was laid on the table. I logged into the account and brought up the file I sent to the room.

"She's like that when she's cooped up for too long. She usually goes on missions that last a few days, but hasn't recently." I nodded as Nat just stared at him in disbelief.

"I-I do not!" she stutters out in surprise and confusion mixed with anger.

"Well then shut up cause I need to show this to Fury!" I shouted making her shut up immediately. "Ok... so I found that the man- or sorta boy- that bought this goes by Luke Hagge. He is German born and I'm not sure if it's just an alias or an actual name." I say pulling up the video and a picture of his face from the video.

"What do you think they were talking about?" Fury asks as he looks over the new information.

"I think that it was just talk about cargo transport. Hagge lives in Germany, and Heuck lived in Germany. Probably knew each other and talked about shipping something to or from Germany." I said leaning back in the leather wheel chair.

"Romanoff, I need you to go to Germany and track this 'Hagge' down. Got it?" Fury asks as he started to leave the room.

"But sir!" I say quickly before the glass door shut. "I found him and I lost the other guy. He's my responsibility now. I should go on the mission." I say with more confidence than I have in a while.

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