Chapter 2: Fight

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"Wait, I have to kill... people?" I asked in disbelief. All the man did was nod. He look into my blue eyes, expecting to see a reaction.

"You already have a couple of the requirements for it actually. Your fit enough for it, you pack a punch, and you have the special ability, that without training, you show no emotion." I stared at him studying the mans face.

"Sorry! So unkind of me. I'm Kevin. I'm the, well, basically your welcome party. Sorry about earlier, we were just trying to take you in, but you are more skilled than we thought." he said holding his hand out. I shook it cautiously. "We need to head down- well up, to the bosses office. He needs to speak to you."

I got up reluctantly and followed behind Kevin. We passed many doors and dark hallways, we went through many turns, and we finally arrived at the grand metal doors that, apparently, the boss is behind.

Kevin nodded to the two guards who opened the doors. Inside was a brown wooden desk with a computer and files all over, a book shelf on the wall next to the window that was behind the desk, and multiple file cabinets to the left of the room.

Seated at the desk was a man, a big man. He seemed about 6'5" to 6'8". He had broad shoulders and brown, short cut hair. His eyes were what really got my attention. He had dark brown eyes, black almost, that held no emotion, nothing. They looked like they saw everything inside of you, all of your secrets. Everything.

"Hello, I'm Vlad." He had a deep voice and a thick Russian accent. "I'm head here in STAR agency. I have recruited you here because we see potential in you. We will also have advantage because you are girl and only teenage." He motioned for me to sit down. I sat and nodded at him. "First, do you want to be here?" He asked studying my features for a reaction. I replied calmly.

"Sir, with all do respect, I have a family that I love and I want to get back to them. I had built a life. It took me years to fit in with the family, I had just started to feel like I fit in. I just want to go back to all of that." I said without any expression. He looked me up and down and nodded.

"If you go back, decline our offer... We kill you. We will kill all of your family, friends, and anyone who even considered you a friend. So either you stay, have a fake death or... You go have real death and family die too."

"Wait, so either fake die... or really die along with everyone else I knew before?" I asked my eyes trained on my where my hate was now focused; right at Vlad. All he did was causally nod. I look down and crack my knuckles. It's what I do when I'm either nervous or mad. And in this case, it was both.

"And with all do respect, miss, I hear that you are not the most popular person at your school." Kevin said leaning back in his chair, arms crossed.

"Well excuse me, Kevin, but it seems like you had the same fate as me. With your Jersey accent and all, I bet you were taken after work? Huh? tell me that's not true?" I said, putting my elbow on my knee and putting my chin in my palm as I looked at him with an intense hateful glare. He stared at me with shock on his face.

"H-how'd you- How'd she know that!?" He looked over at Vlad who only shrugged.

"I'm guessing it will come in handy." He smirked at me while I just rolled my eyes. "Training start tomorrow. It will only consists of learning fluent Russian. You will do this for 10 hours a day for the next week or two until you speak well." I glared at him and stormed out. He made my decision for me. I'd rather be left alone on the streets of Russia, not knowing how to speak the language, and try to survive on my own.

"Allie! Wait!" I heard Kevin on my tail. He was tall, about 6'3", so he caught up easily to me. I mean, he was a good looking guy; he was in his late twenties early thirties, he was muscular and had dirty-blonde hair that was spiked up. I turned and he nearly ran into me.

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