Chapter 1: Run

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I'm Allie, well Allie's short for Alexandra. I'm 13, more fit than most people my age, going to the gym before school every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I think that to be a girl in L.A. you need to be ready for pretty much anything, it gets sketchy out here sometimes. I'm pretty tall for my age; I'm around 5'7". I have brunet hair, it's a little wavy but not to bad.

I was dropped off at an orphanage at age 2 by someone who found me in an ally way. I was adopted first when I was 7 by a man I will never forget. I was returned back to St. Agnes at age 9 and stayed there for eight months 'till I was adopted again. I've been with the family ever since.

I've always been shy, never thought of it much 'cause I always was in the garage hitting the punching bag my step dad set up, or at the gym boxing. I mean, I wasn't shy, but I was reserved. I always kept to myself unless someone wanted to talk to me. But even then I was never the most confident person.

I always had my headphones in, even in class. I never was the most popular, but people knew not to mess with me. In sixth grade... lets just say that someone was spreading things he shouldn't have and I couldn't take it any more so I walked up to him, forced a smile through gritted teeth, and punched him in the gut and walked away.

Afterwards my step-brother heard of the rumors and punched him in the face... long story. Anyway, nobody would tease me, but no one would talk to me either. Well except for Jase, my best friend. He and I have been friends since first grade. St. Agnes was sending me to the same school as him, and he was the only one who bothered to talk to me. We then became the best of friends over time though.

I mean... I love my life though. I'm not popular, I hate that, having to make yourself different for someone to like you. I have a great family that I only recently learned to love. I have a friend that I couldn't imagine my life without.

This all changed the day after I turned 13. It was seventh grade, a Friday. I remember it like it was yesterday...


"Ok, Al. You don't have to do this." Jase said looking at me with worry etched into his features. I only shook my head. My nerves were shooting from my head to my toes, the adrenaline already rushing through my slightly shaking body.

"I have to, I'm sorry." I turned and walked away. I walked to the table where Brian was. I looked around at the people gathered, they're eyes all on me. He was captain of the flag football team at our middle school. I was the one who never spoke much. They never expected us to be in this position.

I slightly nodded my head at him as I sat down across from him as the people made a way to get to the desk. "This is your last chance out, Daniels. Prepare to get beaten to a pancake." Brian said confidently smirking at me. I was nervous but for all the wrong reasons, the people all staring at me, I hated the attention. He was good looking, tall, handsome, but this is seventh grade.

We didn't break the stare. I laughed bitterly at his remark. "You think I need an out? I can probably lift more than you weigh." I said giving him my cold stare, but even though I was surprised at my sudden burst of confidence, I waited for him to twitch like he does when he's nervous.

And before you ask, no I don't like him. I'm not the one who falls for the captain like in all the cliche movies. I'm just quiet and reserved, I know what makes people tick, and how they tick.

He he looked down quickly. Too quickly for anyone else to notice. The crowd formed around us started to call out. People calling their money on Brian. I mean who wouldn't? He was the guy, buff and all. But I was better. I've seen him do this before. He's weak. I nodded at him and the crowd quieted down.

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