Chapter 20: Surpises and Heaven sent Food

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I ran to the building to see Pepper with her hands over her ears looking at the destruction.

"Pepper!!" I yelled over the sparking wires and the falling rubble. "What the hell happened?" I asked squinting at the sight before me.

"He- He's still up there!" She shouted. It took me a few seconds to process what happened but when I did I sprinted towards the site. I instantly ran inside the demolished building and up the somewhat intact stairs to the roof. The steps started to crumble with each step I took but I continued on. I had to throw my shoulder into the partially dented door a few times before it finally opened. My eyes were drawn to bloodied pieces of metal that were luckily free of red and gold.

"Tony!" I shouted turning rocks over and flipping the metal over to see if there was any trace of the billionaire. I took a step but tripped over something. I looked behind me expecting a rock or metal but was met with a red coated, metal hand. Thank goodness. I pulled the small rocks from his limp body and shook him awake.

"Tony... Tony get up. Please don't be dead. Just don't be dead or Pepper will resurrect you and kill you herself." I saw the smallest twitch underneath his eyelid and then he opened his eyes so I could see his deep brown eyes. He quickly blinked until his eyes were able to focus on his surroundings.

"Wha-" I placed my hand on his covered chest and looked up and around at the destruction. "What are you doing here?" I looked back at the man with confusion.

"All of this crap happened and that's what you have to say for yourself? Unbelievable..." I said with exasperation.

"Well I thought you would still be in that base waiting to be proclaimed sane." I glared at the smirking man and helped him up.

"Pepper is scared that you're dead. And a S.H.I.E.L.D copter will be here soon." He nodded and climbed over some rubble, helping me up too.

"Thanks for finding me, kid. I think that you have guts. Guts that'll save a lot of people." He said climbing down a hidden fire escape. I stopped in my tracks.

"Wait... what?" The gold titanium alloy clad man kept walking like he didn't hear me. "Tony!" I sighed and dropped the subject. It's not like once they ignore you they'll start listening.

I slowly descended the metal stairs and jumped to the ground. Pepper instantly saw Stark and ran, as fast as she could in heels, into his metal clad arms.

"Don't you ever do that again. Do you hear me?" Pepper cried into his shoulder. He nodded and rubbed her back soothingly. I walked off to a curb and sat against a wall. I couldn't get my mind off of what Tony had said. Save people? How am I, a teen with a record that isn't necessarily filled with any "saving" in it, supposed to help people. I mean... I know I joined S.H.I.E.L.D., but that was only to help me. Wasn't it?

I closed my eyes and just tried to relax, but I still couldn't get it out of my head. I just sighed and thought about the people I could have kept from dying. Kevin, Jace is probably dead, Krissy, Leo, Jack... If only I had been quicker. If I had been more quick none of these people would have died.

My mind wondered to the people where I was their cause of death. Well I mostly just remembered their faces, since I never really remembered their names. But I do remember my first kill. His name was James Gordon. Man... That kid was too young. I hadn't meant to. I really didn't. It just happened.


"C'mon, Jamey!" James's older brother was walking toward me. I was only eight. Why was this happening? Yes, I knew James had a crush on me, but not enough to corner me in an alleyway. What kind of a person does that?

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