Chapter 17: A Bunch of Crap We're not Ready For.

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"The Red Room? What's that?" I ask.

"Well... When I was with Vlad I sometimes tried to get away." She paused for a bit and I looked down in shame. I had just taken defeat. I never thought about running. "I was taken to an academy. The youngest requirement age was fifteen. I um, I resisted at first, but their forces were just more persistent than I was used to. After this I went off on my own. I was trained to be the best, I had skill and I didn't care who I used it on." She finished sounding distant. I knew the feeling.

"Hey... can I tell you something?" I asked hesitantly while tucking hair back behind my ear.

"Yeah, sure." She replied instantly.

"Well... I knew this guy... I met him in first grade... he was really nice-" I was soon cut off by Nat's detail recognition kicked in.

"Was?" She asked.

"Well... that's where the explaining comes in. We were as close as close could be without a dating relationship, when STAR took me. When the um, facility took me...." I trailed off and paused thinking of how to explain it.

"It was the second day I was there. I had already been through a procedure once and... and he walked in the room the second day to take me to my second procedure. I- I don't know what happened with him. He was such a great kid and I ruined it for him." I sighed and remembered when we would just hang out and totally zone out from the world and just be us.

"Did you love him?" she asked. Now, this would have been one of those spit takes if I had water.

"Huh? Wa- wait. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT WOMAN!!!" I slowly thought back and went through all the memories. "Of course I did." I whispered finally. "He was all I had. We were best friends. We were all we had and I left. He probably went off to be one of he 'popular's though." I sigh and look out the window.

"It's funny." She says and I stare at her in disbelief.

"Excuse me?"

"We are two of the most dangerous women in the world, and we're talking about are sob stories. Don't you find that at least a little funny?" She says smirking. We pull into a little parking lot as I go through the conversation in my head. I start giggling at first and then Nat and I loose it. We start to crack up. Slowly we gather ourselves together.

"Man. This job is freaked, up isn't?" I say holding my stomach. I look up and see that were at a gas station.

"Ya. I'll fill up and you go get food. I'm trusting that you won't forget the little mini doughnuts." She says opening her door. (If you guys get what this part is inspired by I will love you forever)

I walk into the empty gas station and see the section of candies and food. I crouch down seeing which one Nat would want. I'm still contemplating when I hear the little bell on the door go off.

"Hey, have you seen my sister? she's about fifteen, tall-ish, brown hair, blue eyes?" I confused to hear a mans voice this time. I was expecting it to be Nat but... with me, you can never expect anything.

"Ya she went out to the back." The cashier says. I stay low and strain to hear his footsteps. I finally hear them disappear. When I did, I peaked my head up. She motioned over to me.

"Hey, do you know that guy?" she asks pointing to the direction he went.

"No, I actually don't." I say with puzzlement written on my face.

"Well he looked like an old boyfriend. Nothing like a brother. Besides, he pulled up in a separate car than you and your friend, so I suspected that he was on his own." I was gaping at the girl I front of me.

"Where did you learn how to do this stuff?" I asked, needing to know if she was with any intelligence group.

"Well, my dad worked for some branch of the military. He would always come home and not be able to say anything, so he'd teach me how to do things."

"Well tell him that they paid off. Thanks for that by the way. I'll take these and the gas for stall four." I say handing her a bunch of candy, chips, and little doughnuts.

She quickly scanned everything and told me the amount of money I'd need to pay. I pulled out by credit card Nat gave me and paid.

"Thanks again." I say leaving the building.

"Ready?" Nat asks through the rolled down window.

"Yea... did you see who walked through the door?" I asked pointing to the building.

"Ya, he looked fine."

"That's until he asked where I was. I was crouched behind an aisle and he came in asking the cashier where I was." I say sitting in the car and putting the bags of items between us.

"Well, with this job there's gunna be a ton of weird crap were not ready for." She says pulling away.

"But that's not the weird part... She said her dad worked for a 'branch of the government' and couldn't tell her anything. I think he was a S.H.I.E.L.D agent." I say continuously looking back.

"Well he could have been anything. People who work for the FBI can't say anything about their jobs." She says while keeping her eyes on the road.

"But Nat... this was different...." There was a long silence following my suggestion. I decided to change the subject before I went insane from silence." I don't know how or why, but I feel like the guy looking for me was in communication with the first guy. I mean, why else would someone....." I finally got another idea as to why they would be looking for me.

"What?" She asked quickly, knowing that I figured something out.

"It's just that..." I sighed heavily, my mind racing with images of things from the place that now haunts my past. "They had another base, the... um... facility. I heard them talking about relocation. And if they had another base...." I trailed off as Nat caught on and finished for me.

"Then they'd have other people to look for you..."


Hey sorry for the crappiness level on this chapter. I meant to get it done a lot faster, but I'm kinda on the verge of writers block. Ik what I need to do for later on but it's the fillers I'm having trouble with. Well... That's basically it... Hope you enjoyed and have an awesome Thanksgiving.


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