Chapter 3 Joining the Pack

Start from the beginning

"Mom said she's going to talk to the Elders first and see what they say. If they want me to join the pack or not."

"They'd be crazy not to want you to join. You're the only one with real combat experience and then your godly powers."

"You never know, they may not like it," Selene said as they drove back to the house.

While the girls head home, Sue gets to Billy's house. She knocks on the door, and when the door opens, she notices that Old Quil is there as well, "Sue, it's good you were able to come," Billy said and moved out of the way so that she can come in.

"Hey, Billy, Hello, Quil, how are you?"

"We're good, how are you and the kids holding up," Old Quil asked.

"As well as can be expected. It's better now that Selene is home."

Old Quil nods.

"Yes, it must feel good to have your oldest home. Will she be returning East anytime soon?" Billy asked.

"No, things have settled down, and she wants to spend time here," Sue told the two elders, "So what did you want to talk about," Sue asked.

"Why don't we have a seat."

Sue nods and sits down on the couch in the living room. Billy wheels his way in the living room and puts his wheelchair in front of her and Old Quil, "The reason we asked you to come over, Sue, is that we wanted to offer you Harry's place on the council," Billy said to Sue.

Sue's eyes widen; she wasn't expecting that, but Sue was honored that the Council offered it to her, "I would be honored to take my husband's place."

"Good, we're glad you accepted. Now that that's settled, we wanted to talk to you more about Selene."

"What about her?"

"Sam told us that he was going to keep an eye on her to see if she phases. Since Leah phased after Harry's death, Sam seems to think that Selene will too since she has the gene from the Uley side."

"I'm glad you brought that up, Selene has already shifted."

Billy and Quil looked at each other, surprised, "When?"

"She told me that it'd been three years now that she's been able to shapeshift."

Quil caught the difference, "Shapeshift or phase?"

"Selene was blessed by Artemis, the goddess of the hunt. She's able to shift into any animal she wants. She also has that power from her father. He had limited shapeshifting ability like his brother."

Since the Elders were told that Poseidon was Selene's father, Billy had taken it upon himself to learn as much as he could about Greek Mythology, especially about the Big Three. So, he was somewhat familiar with Poseidon's powers.

"Can she shapeshift into a wolf?"

"Yes, she can, and Selene wants to join the pack. She told me that since she's a hero, it's her duty to protect the tribe and others from monsters."

"Will she be able to hear the pack?" Billy asked.

"Yes, she and Leah tried it yesterday, and she can block the pack from finding out her true identity."


"So, can I tell her she can join?" Sue asked.

"If she can convince Sam, yes. I think she would be a great asset." Old Quil said.

"So do I," Billy said.

Sue thanked the two Elders and left. Once she was outside, Sue called Selene and told her to go ahead with her plan. So, now that they got the green light from the Elders, Selene and Leah put their plan into motion. The girls decided that instead of saying that Selene shifted the night before, they would say that Selene phased after they dropped Seth off at school.

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