Chapter 9: There We Go Again

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It's better if we communicate telepathically. The Grievers won't hear our loud talk., Newt said.

I nodded in agreement.

Is anything bad gonna happen to Stella if we get back?, I asked.

Well, some Gladers won't like you guys much, but that's about it. Ben agreed to let her be a farmer if she got back, Thomas answered.

Everything seemed way too still. These Grievers were clever, whatever they were. Surely there weren't creatures like that outside these walls. Grievers didn't naturally roam the Earth, right?

We kept running following Minho's every move. His broad shoulders moved with pride. This was his territory.

Minho can we stop for a sec? My bloody heart is about to burst. I technically only have one leg, ya know? Minho turned to Newt and nodded. We all rested in a corner, hoping the shadows were cover enough. 

I hoped Stella was okay..... What if she's....... No. Stella was strong, determined, smart. We had made it through this before, I had no doubt we could do it again.

Newt was the one to break the silence. He said it telepathically of course.

My hope for Stella is that she doesn't get stung. Again

My heart skipped a beat. I didn't bother to say anything comforting. Thomas squeezed my hand in a comforting manner, I managed to smile. 

Minho seemed miles away in his own world. Was he mad at me for pushing him? I surely wasn't livid with him, more with myself. I put my hand on his shoulder, but he swapped it away.

Minho, look at me.

He didn't turn.

Minho, LOOK AT ME!

Both Newt and Thomas cringed at my mental screaming.

He still didn't turn.

Minho, if it's something I did, I'm sorry. Just tell me what's wrong.

He finally turned around, slowly.

Stella. She woke me up and told me that she was coming here.

And suddenly I was mad at Minho. 

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