Chapter 9: There We Go Again

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I opened my eyes. It was yet still dim outside. My head was pounding almost the same pain I felt when I first arrived. My ears, oh my ears, They hurt so bad.

I couldn't fully open my eyes yet. I heard my name..."VIOLET!!!". I thought that I was still asleep. "VIOLET!!!". "VIOLET!!!". I opened my eyes and turned to realize that I wasn't sleeping that it wasn't my head making up voices. It was Chuck. He was screaming at me. "VIOLET!! Help it is your sister!". 

The last word woke me up right away as though cold water was drenched all over me. I lifted my head up. He was pointing at what seemed like the maze walls. "She left!". My eyes were finally wide open. I was back to reality. "What do you mean?!?!?!", I screamed. 

Tears were running down his cheek. "She left and we tried stopping her but she bolted. The Runners are in there looking for her but, they can't find her. It is like she is hiding from us!". "She isn't hiding from you, guys. She is hiding from me!". I ran towards the opening of the walls. All of the gladers were gathered by the walls. 

 They stared at me but, I was too angry and disappointed at Stella to notice. They stepped in front of me. "You don't have to do this. Your punishment is already over with. One is sacrificed.", Ben said grabbing my wrist. Minho was behind him with sweat dripping down his forehead. I tried to telepathically talk to him.

Tell him to let me go! Minho, listen to me, please. I have to go save Stella. If you don't tell him to let go of my wrist then, I will NEVER talk to you again. Please, Minho!

"Don't try talking to him telepathically.... Yea, I know what you guys can do."

I looked around for Newt. He was my last hope to get Stella back. If he didn't stand up for me now, I was most likely going to be dragged back into the slammer. But, Newt was nowhere in sight.

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