Chapter 11: A Secret

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I didn't even have time to scream; it all happened so fast. 

However, we didn't hit the ground. Our feet had entangled in the vines so we were now hanging upside down.

 Luckily we had fallen on the inside of the Glade so that the boys could see us dangling. Stella was frantically grabbing at the vines wrapped around her legs.

Don't do that! You would fall to your death!

I could grab the vines once I'm loose.

We can't risk it. We'll figure something out.

She talked. I felt good at hearing her even though it was telepathically.

However, she had a point. We had to escape quickly before all the blood rushed to our heads, then we would have a problem. It was only a matter of seconds before I felt my feet go numb.

"Stella, we have to scream for help. Otherwise, the Gladers won't bother to look up this high."

"Okay. Let's do it."

"HELP!", we screamed in unison.

Many of the boys looked up and started to point. Ben walked out of the Homestead and kept walking until he was right underneath us. Everybody gathered around him to see what was going on.

"Stella! Violet! What's going on?", he asked.

"Oh, nothing. Ya know nothing unusual, except we are hanging upside down, from a vine, while our body goes numb! That's what's going on!", Stella screamed at him. 

She looked very lightheaded afterward all that commotion.

My vision was starting to fade as I felt my arms go numb. I could see two figures standing next to Ben. It appeared to be that they were having a conversation. I was feeling tired so I closed my eyes. 

The Two Sisters (A MazeRunner FanFic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt