Chapter 8: The Boycott Club

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The silence was maddening. I wanted to say a million things, ask hundreds of questions.

He stole the first sentence.

"I tried killing myself once, ya know?"

I did know but somehow hearing him admit that shattered my heart all over again.

"I just couldn't cope with everything. This place was stealing my sanity every bloody second. So I decided to climb up there and I jumped"

"And Minho found you, took you to a Med-Jack. You broke your leg in three places leaving you with a limp"

My sadness had transferred to my words making me speak in a low whisper. Newt looked at me, a shocked expression on his face.

" H-how did you know that?", he asked looking ashamed.

"Minho told me the day after you yelled at me."

"I never apologized for that. I can be such a buggin' idiot sometimes ya know."

"You've been trapped here for much too long, gives you a right. You can pay your debt by promising to take care of Stella."

He smiled, delighted by the idea. A look of pity flashed in his eyes.

I couldn't help but think how Stella was gonna do without me for the whole next day. I started to doze off and off and off-.

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