New Beginnings

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Hello to whoever is reading this 😘👋🏼 thank you so much for taking the time read this book! It's my first book and I decided why not make it a Janet fanfic. I love me some janet!! Leave me some comments if  y'all like this or not! Kk thanks. ❤️🦋

The song above is the one she plays later in the chapter! Listen to it while reading

DAMMIT! I am so screwed, why the hell did I have to stay out so late last night. My alarm didn't even go off this morning and now im 30 minutes late. Jumping up outta bed I rushed to my shower, my feet barely hitting the ground.

I was starting at my new job today working as a maid/cook for some rich couple in the hills. the job seemed fairly easy, all I had to do was clean and cook as well as helping any of the other staff members in the house with whatever they needed. I was only going to work there a few days a week, since I was already working at my Aunty's restaurant, and on top of that I'm going to culinary school. I guess you could say I keep myself busy.

My shower was 5 mins tops, after drying off I threw on the uniform they gave me. This uniform they got me wearing had me lookin like I worked at some five star hotel. I had to wear this navy blue button up dress that stopped two inches above my knees. The collar, as well as the hem of the dress we're white. Not quite my everyday style, but at least I didn't have to stress over picking out my clothes. After I threw my hair in a top bun I realized I didn't have time to do my makeup at home, so I just grabbed my bag deciding to just do it on the bus.

Running out of my room I stopped at the door to put my shoes on. I looked up to see my aunty in the kitchen cooking something up that made my mouth water.

"Aunty, why didn't you wake me up? I'm late" I asked her, out of breath.

She had a guilty look on her face as she spoke, "Oh no, I'm sorry baby I didn't know you started today, I was making some breakfast, sit and eat something before you go"

"Mama I don't have time, the bus will be here soon, I gotta go" I kissed her on the cheek, grabbing my house keys and my bag then rushed out the door, ready to sprint to the bus stop.

"Davina!" She called out from the door.
I whipped around hopping on one foot, trying to fix the shoe laces on the other.

"I love you" she said with a grin on her face.

I smiled at her before turning around and running to catch my bus. I threw a quick wave behind my shoulder. I loved her always, she knew that. I was just never the best at vocalizing the way I felt and all that, it just wasn't me.

Before I moved to California to live with my Aunty, I was living in Fiji with my father, until he got really sick out of nowhere. I dropped out of school to take care of him and I worked to support us when he no longer could, but he passed away almost a year ago now.

It was always just me and him. Of course I had my aunty's and uncles, they tried to help as much as they could, but they all lived here in the mainland while my dad was the only one out of all his siblings to still live on the islands. And my mother, well that was a different story altogether. She ran off with a man that she cheated on my father with when I was about three. I didn't miss her that much. How could you miss something you never really had.

After my dad died, my aunty took me in. She got me a plane ticket and brought me to America. She let me work as a cook in the little restaurant she owned. I loved to make people happy, and as my father always used to say "A way to someone's heart, is through their stomach" The only thing my aunty made me promise was that if she took me in, I would go back and finish school, and that's exactly what I'm doing. I'm in culinary school, and it's always been my dream to open up my own restaurant ever since I was a kid. Yes my aunty and uncle had their restaurant but I wanted something of my own, something bigger. I was going to work hard so that my family wouldn't have to.

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