Chapter One: Dimitri Hollow- The Loyal One

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Here it is the official start of my newest story! Please enjoy it. If you like it please comment and vote. I really would appreciate it and it would make me continue writing knowing that I have people who want to read it. Love yah guys!!!



“O. M. Double G!” I squealed, squeezing my best friend, Melanie, by the shoulders a bit too aggressively. “Guess what?” I asked excitedly bouncing on the spot like a five-year old kid whose about to get their first puppy! I swear my smile covered every inch of my face. The bored face that was planted on my friends face instantly crushed my good mood. Can’t she at least pretend to be happy with me?

“What?” She brushed my hands off her bare shoulders using her I-really-don’t-give-a-shit-right-now tone with me. I glared at her for being so insensitive.

“Are you PMSing or something? Guess!” I repeated myself. Melanie let out a long exaggerated sigh. I rolled my eyes at her dramatic-ness. She can be such a brat sometimes.

“Did you buy the new Pokémon game?” she asked. Wow! That was a brilliant guess, but not exactly what was running through my mind at the moment. Don’t get me wrong, I love Pokémon and I did buy the new Pokémon Black 2 because who wouldn’t right?

“Yes, but no.” I pulled out the bright orange and black flyer from the back pocket of my skinny jeans shoving it into her hands. “Check it out! The school is planning a Halloween Costume Dance on Halloween night! Guess who’s going?” I started jumping up and down again.

“You.” Melanie answered, expressionless, her green eyes bored. I gave her my best puppy dogface. Melanie should know very well how much I LOVE Halloween!! If she’s forgotten then she should go to friend jail for being a horrible friend.

“Melanie.” I whined. “You’re coming too, aren’t you?” I insisted. She gave me a blank stare and placed a hand on my shoulder. I glanced at it, rolling my eyes.

“Layla, I know you love Halloween and all…” I told you she knew. “But you know I don’t go to a dance without a date.” Melanie let her hand drop back to her sides as she turned to walk away sway her hips in her mini plaid skirt that reached barely her mid-thigh.

“No! Wait!” I called out to her, running to her side. “What if I find you a date to go with?” I propose hoping this will persuade my friend. She smirked at me.

“Deal. I gotta run now Layla. I have cheerleading practice to get to. See you after school.” With that, Melanie left, her long, perfect model-like legs taking her to the top of the cheering pyramids. I have to admit, the child was blessed with a gift of beauty.

Melanie Scotch needs a date to the dance. I need a list of the top 5 hottest guys in the school and one way to find this out is in the girl’s locker room in the East corridor. I walked in finding the soccer team changing into their practice clothes. I found locker 245 and opened it. Inside it was a list of hot guys in order of hotness. It also had a list of the most popular girls currently in the school. We call this locker, “The List Locker”. (I know not very creative, but I wasn’t the one who named it.) Checking the hotness list I found my five candidates for the day.

Hotness List:

1.    Sorin Hollow

2.    Loki Skyye

3.    Dimitri Hollow

4.    Eli Forrester

5.    Jonathan Love

Time for a little boy searching guys! Finding a date for Melanie can’t be that hard, can it? I mean, she’s the most popular girl in school. If she can’t get any, no one can! I looked at the list while walking to my next class. Who will I see first? As I sat in my designated desk I knew Dimitri was in this same class somewhere. First up, Dimitri Hollow!

“What about Dimitri Hollow?” I heard a masculine voice ask from behind me. Did I just say that out loud? My palms suddenly grew sweaty and nervous. Turning in my seat I found, lucky enough, Dimitri Hollow in all his third place glory. How had I not known that he sat behind me every single day in Pre-Calculus! (Note to Self: Remember to slap yourself for being a complete idiot.)

“Oh… H-hi.” I stuttered. “D-did I just say that out loud?” He smiled.

“Yeah. You kind of did. Are you going to tell me what I’m first up for?” He asked suspiciously eyeing me. Dimitri was a decent looking guy. Damn. What an understatement that was! Dimitri is drop dead gorgeous! I started to blush at the thought of calling him attractive.

“I wanted to know if—“

“Sorry. You’re cute, but I already have a date to the Halloween Dance.” Dimitri answered my unfinished question. I sat there with my mouth hanging open catching flies as I tried to interpret what just happened. I was turned down, FAST, when I wasn’t even asking to go with me. For some odd reason, that hurt me more than I thought it would. There must be a reason why someone would ever turn a girl down so quickly; I’m appalling!! I’m unattractive!! I felt hot tears brim the corners of my eyes, a burning sensation forming under them as my throat tightened up. Stop! Why are you crying Layla? Don’t cry! Crying is for pathetic children! For the rest of the class, I thought of how sad it is to be turned down by someone who didn’t even let you finish the question. When the bell rang, I sat there trying my hardest not to let my tears fall.

Dimitri walked around my desk, stopping in front of it. He was staring at me, just noticing my teary eyes. I saw his face start to panic. I stood up, ready to abandon the classroom and this depressing situation. Dimitri grabbed my wrist gently turning me around to face him; my tears now flowed freely down my face as I let out a sob. He placed his hands on my shoulders causing me to stare into his heavenly, light blue eyes. “Listen. I didn’t turn you down because you’re appalling or unattractive, okay? I couldn’t say yes because someone had already asked me. Anyone would be lucky to have you as his own, remember that. Don’t let people hurt you; you’re stronger than that.” He softly said to me. I gazed at him, wordless.

Dimitri, a third place hot guy, which I don’t know anything about, just gave me the best and most reassuring self-esteem speech I’ve ever heard. I felt like I already knew him, even if I just happened to talk to him about 20 minutes ago. Dimitri pulled me into a hug, running his hands over the back of my wavy, strawberry-blonde hair. His dirty-blonde hair smelled like cologne mixed with freshly mown grass, oddly enough, it actually smelled delicious. I hugged him back feeling warm and fuzzy inside. Dimitri pulled away holding me out at arms length gazing into my hazel eyes, “Now, Layla, go find a more deserving date to the dance.”

I nodded firmly. “I will.” I promised. I walked off to get to my next class before I’m late thinking about how now, I not only have to track down a date for Melanie, but one for myself as well because I can’t let Dimitri down. I let out a dazed sigh; this is going to be a long week.


Dimitri Hollow >>>>

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