Chapter Thirteen: Prep Talk

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Yo, yo, yo! Thank you for coming to Soli's weekly updates. First off, I'd like to present the award for best overall book fanatic. Can I please have JasonAirLoverAlpha to the stage please! *audience applauses* This man here, one of my best friends has been pushing me to write in this story ever since my first upload. Without him I don't think I'd still be here. Ladies and gentlemen give the big guy a warm round of applause for being here. *Louder applause* 

Enjoy the new chapter! <3 Love you all bunches!



"Are sure about this? You will receive a mark remember?" I didn't care. I just wanted him to shut up and put himself right where I wanted him. Instead of waiting for him I thrust myself forward and let him slide in. I was tight around him and finally I had gotten my satisfaction. We started off at a slow pace gradually picking up speed. We didn't stop until I finally felt the overwhelming pleasure surge through my body as I rode it off. Sorin pulled out of me after letting the moment pass. 

He lay himself next to me smiling at me, his breath still heavy. I let out a breathy laugh. "I love you." I whispered, kissing him tenderly on the lips before curling up in his arms for a good night's sleep. 

"I love you too, Layla." He whispered back, kissing my forehead as sleep pulled me under. 


I forced my eyes to open, regretting it once the bright sunlight from Sorin's open window flooded into the room blinding me momentarily. I glanced around the room to find that everything was just a little sharper than it was the day before. I could see the pattern that the overlapping and looping thread made in the bed covers. I spotted every finger smudge on the mirror in the bathroom across the room, which was starting to irritate me slightly. I hate things when they are too messy. Other than that, my new improved vision is incredible. 

"Layla." My heart pounded faster in my chest as I heard Sorin, my mate (MINE), whisper my name. It was so softly spoken I doubt I would have heard him if I was still human. I smiled and turned to glance at the godly man lying next to me in his immensely comfortable bed. He appeared ten times more attractive than he did hours ago. I could see every curve, hair, dip and perfection of his flawless being. 

I bit my lip, suddenly realizing that if I could see all the small details of Sorin's face can't he see all my imperfections. I had a mini freak out. I probably have sex hair! What if I look like a freak in the morning! AHHH! Just before I was going to grab the blanket to throw it off and zoom toward the open bathroom door, Sorin took my hand into his, kissing the top with his smooth lips. A zillion zaps of delight shot through me when his skin touched mine. "You look beautiful... as always." 

I flushed. Does he always have to be this sweet? I knew he wasn't lying to me though, since I didn't feel a pang in my chest. I glowed at this realization and I ran my fingers through his thick head of pitch-black hair, the hair that I adored very much. "You're not too bad yourself, sweet cheeks." I smirked at my words. I couldn't help it. Don't blame me for being weird after having the best night of my life. I do what I want! 

Sorin's lips curled up into a full on grin and I couldn't help but let out a short laugh at how he reacted to my sarcasm. "How do you feel?" He asked me, after the effect of my words wore off. He brushed a stray hair away from my face, tucking it behind my ear. 

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