Chapter Twenty-One: A Shocking Reveal

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I won't bother you with my silly words for this once. Read on and enjoy!

~Soli (WaterUwaiting4) <3



“Tomorrow.” I cut him off. “I’m busy today.” I lied.

“Busy with what?”

“My boyfriend.” I slipped out of the room to the pack house. I knew he wasn’t going to be there. He’s probably busy getting the pack ready for the fight. I was going to the pack house to eat before I go to track the wolf man down. I laughed at myself for calling him wolf man. I was happily running toward the house when I suddenly lost my balance and collapsed.

I wasn’t tripped. There was nothing to trip over. I looked around to find my vision doubled and my head weightless. My head was pounding in my ears. “Sorin…” I managed to send through the mind link before everything went black and the cold swept over my body.


There was a bright light over my closed eyelids, waking me from my slumber. I groaned shielding my eyes from the blinding spotlight. My body felt sticky with sweat and I could feel the fever burning through my entire being. “Can someone please turn off the damn lights?” I groaned, my voice coming out hoarse. I heard a sigh from my right. It was relieved, but I had no idea why it was worried in the first place.

“Layla, I am so glad to see you awake.” A harmonic voice chorused. Finally, I let my eyelids open and reveal my magnificent mate with his black hair and black eyes looking as sexy as ever. He had slight stubble on his face and dark bags were under his already deep eyes that were glowing red. Had he been crying? I reach my hand out and let my fingertips glided across his cheek and watched as he closed his eyes, leaning into my touch and grasping my hand in his. “I’m sorry.” He apologized with the gloomiest eyes I’ve ever seen him wear.

“Sorry for what?” I asked, confused.

“For having been oblivious of your current status. You should have been in bed. Eli should have watched over you. No. I should have watched over you. The both of you could’ve been hurt.” He whispered, fresh tears swelling in the corners of his eyes.

“I have no idea what you are blabbering on about.” I smiled up at him and pecked his lips. “As far as I know, I fainted and you came for me. Stop apologizing for helping me.” I hushed. I pulled him down to sit at the corner of the hospital bed I was laying on. I played with his fingers that were curled around my own.

Sorin met my loving gaze with his guilty one. “You don’t know, do you?” He asked. He sighed as I shook my head slowly.

“No idea.” Sorin squeezed my hand and brushed a strand of hair away from my face.

“You… you’re pregnant.” He said breathlessly. “That’s why you fainted.”

My heart was now pounding in my throat. I stared into space in an attempt to understand the words Sorin uttered. I have a… child? We have a child? I have a piece of Sorin inside of me? A smile broke out across my face. We’ll have a family! Tears of joy sprang to my hazel eyes as I crushed my lips to Sorin’s taking him completely by surprise. I pulled away, pressing my forehead to his. “We have a baby. We have a family now.” I gushed delightedly. Sorin smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes as I’d hoped they would.

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