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Harry's pov

I felt something burning up my throat, and saliva collecting in my mouth making me scrunch my face.

Suddenly I realised I'm about to throw up, I quickly got up from my bed and ran into the bathroom.

I bent down on the flush and threw up everything I ate today, soon enough I felt a calming hand on my back. I finished my business and leant against the wall, groaning.

"You alright haz?" nawab Zayn asked flushing the toilet.

I shook my head scrunching up my face as I tasted that disgusting taste In my mouth.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned" he said and picked me up.

About 15 minuted later i was back in my bed all cleaned and Nawab Zayn also jumped in the bed pulling me inside him.

"My stomach hurts and my head too" I whispered in my hoarse voice.

"it's okay baby. We'll go to doctor tomorrow" he said and kissed my head.

"It's been a week since this throwing up and stuff, I'm tired" I said sniffling.

"Don't cry my love, you'll be alright" he said.

I nodded and closed my eyes letting sleep take over me.


"Okay so. How are you feeling Queen Harry?" the doctor. Ms shifa khan asked.

"Awful" I said coughing slightly.

"Tell me your condition" she said and took out a notepad.

"I woke up in night to throw up, morning sickness, my head hurts every passing minute and I feel like I'll pass out" I finished.

"Hm. Ill run a few tests and you'll know the results soon" she said and I nodded.

About half an hour later the doctor came back in nawab Zayn's chamber, well i live here too with results.

"I have a good news" she grinned making me nervous.

"What is it?" Niall asked rubbing his little 3 months baby bump.

Yes, Niall's pregnant. He got to know about his pregnancy right after his wedding we were shocked too and happy.

"Congratulations Harry, you're pregnant" she grinned at me. Everything around me stopped for a second.

"W-what?" I asked again.

"Yeah, that's true" she smiled at me, this was so unbelievable.

"Thank you doctor" mother smiled at her trying to control her emotions.

Soon the doctor went away.

"OMGGGG IM SO HAPPY HARRY!!!" Niall squealed loudly.

"Same Niall me too" troye said jumping up and down.

"Congratulations my love, Zayn will die out of happiness" mother said kissing my forehead.

"Yeah, thank you".


About an hour later Nawab Zayn came back home from his meeting.

"Hi baby"he said kissing my cheek.

"Hello" I said grinning widely.

"How ya feeling now?" he asked.

"Great" I answered and he smiled at me.

"I wanna tell ya something" I said.

"Sure, what is it love?" he asked.

"I-i am pregnant!" I said biting my lips.

"Yo-ure what?" he asked, his eyes widening.

"What?you dont want it?" I asked sighing sadly.

"OH MY GOD, WHO SAID THAT? IM SO HAPPY" he practically yelled throwing his arms around me.

I giggled loudly hugging him back.

"You don't know how happy I am Harry. Oh god, we're having a baby! A child. Did you hear it? WE'RE HAVING OUR BABY. He or she will have your eyes and my hair. Oh god I cant" he said in one breathe.

"Oh my god, calm down nawab Zayn" I said softly.

"I can't I'm on cloud nine" he said tears escaping his eyes.

I leant forward capturing his lips with mine.

Our lips moved together perfectly, it was a soft kiss until someone interrupted us by knocking on the door.

"Who is it?" Nawab asked frustrated.

"Nawab Zayn you're immediately needed in the hall" Abdul, chief of Army staff said.

"I'm coming" he said and stood up, out of curiosity I stood up and followed him too.

Zayn's pov.

I walked to the hall and as I neared it I could hear people screaming and shattering of glass.

I instantly stepped in the hall, and the scene in front of me made my heart stop.

There stood she, looking as beautiful as ever.

Gigi, my Gigi.


HARRYS PREGNANT!!! *squeals* and gigi's back *sigh*.
This is most probably 2nd last chapter before epilogue. Maybe I'll publish last chapter Now. Who knows.
Leave your thoughts.
Love y'all!

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