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1 month later

Louis's pov

"I'm gonna die Zayn, that's it. I'm gonna die" I said dramatically pacing backward and forward.

"Calm down Louis, it's just a wedding" he chuckled at me.

"Shut the fook up, you fookin' loosah you wouldn't know how it feels like to marry the love of your life!" I said, harshly.

"Heyyy that was harsh!" he said sounding hurt.

"I'm sorry. I'm just nervous"i sighed.

"Come here" he said and I instantly hugged him.

"Loueh. You're my little bro and my Best friend. I know I never say this but I love you the most, and I'm so happy for ya today. Just don't think you're alone I'm here" he said making a tear make its way down my cheek.

"You asshole, I already look like Shit and you made me cry, fook you!" I said glaring at him wiping my tears away.

"I'm sorry you look amazing" h chuckled.

"Come on Louis, we gotta go" Liam said entering.

"Okay, grab me so I won't fall down" I said and we went to the garden area.

Niall wasn't there, cuz well supposedly the 'girl' comes late in Christian wedding.

"When the fuck will be come?" I whispered in Zayn's ear impatiently.

"Calm down, he's here" he chuckled and I looked in front of me to see Niall walking down the aisle in his light blue suit, looking as beautiful as ever.

He was followed by a grinning troye and Harry.

Niall came and stood in front of me grinning like a child he is, and that's when I realised I was crying.

I quickly wiped my tear before anyone could notice but course that bitch Zayn did, he smirked at me and I just rolled my eyes and the ceremony started.

"Minister Louis William Tomlinson do you take Niall James Horan as your wedded husband till death do you apart?" the priest asked.

"I do" I smiled at Niall.

"Do you Niall James Horan take Minister Louis William Tomlinson as your wedded husband till death do you apart?"

"I do" Niall grinned at me.

"Congratulations Mr and Mr Tomlinson, you may kiss each other now" the priest smiled at us.

I leant forward and so did Niall, our lips touched and they started moving in sync. I put my hand on his cheek kissing him gently, it was a Sweet gentle kiss.

We soon pulled apart grinning at each other.

"Yayay Louis's a married man now" Zayn said bro hugging me, and so did Liam.

"Thank you bro, and hoe"i smiled at them.

"Whose hoe?" Zayn asked raising his eyebrow.

"You" I smiled sweetly at him and he just growled playfully.

"Congratulations Niall and Louis!!" Harry squealed at us.

"Thank you, Queen Harry" I smiled at him.

"Thanks hazza!!" Niall squealed too. These kids.

"Congratulations my loves" Mother said to us and kissed both our foreheads.

"Thank you mother" we both said together, smiling at her.

Soon, everyone got busy talking to each other.

"Congratulations dear wife"i whispered in Niall's ear.

"Same to you" dear husband he giggled softly.

"Get ready for tonight" I whispered seductively in his ear earning a gasp.

I winked at him and Niall blushed furiously making me chuckle.


Um, hello. I wanted to publish this since forever but I couldn't cuz I was sick and I got my ear operated today. I hope y'all liked it.
Love y'all

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