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Harry's pov

"Mother, How are you feeling now?" I asked trying not to cry.

"What worst can happen to me now? My all 3 son died" she sighed deeply.

"Mother, please calm down" Niall said, I know he was trying not to cry too.

"I'm sorry, I ruined your lives"  she cried.

"No no no, please stop Mother. You didn't do anything"i cried hugging her tightly.

"I think you 3 should pack your bags" king Harry cleared his throat.

"Why?" troye questioned sniffling.

"Because, it's a rule. You have no kids so you'll have to go to the place you belong to" he explained.

"What kind of rule is this?" Niall questioned angrily.

"And we belong here, not anywhere else" I said.

"Harry, my dear we can't do anything about this" mother sniffled.

"I don't want to go anywhere leaving you" I sniffled.

"Don't worry about me love. I'll be okay" she smiled sadly.

"O-okay" I sobbed.


After packing our stuff we all walked into the room of Mother.

"I'll come to meet you soon" she smiled cupping my cheeks.

"You promise?" I asked.

"Yes, I do" she said and kissed my forehead.

"I request you all to move on, but please don't forget my sons. They all loved you dearly" she said.

"No Mother, we can never forget them" Niall answered hugging her.

Then troye hugged her and at last me

"The time spent y'all was unforgettable, I'll miss you all each passing minute. Stay happy"and with that she left, but not before passing a small sad smile.

"We shall leave" King Harry said.

I looked at the kingdom, which was mine once, the last time.

And with that we flew back to the place we came from, feels like its a rewind.

I just hope it's not too terrible, I just know no one can forget those 3 men from us.

About 8 hours later we arrived London,and about 2 hours later we were at our old house where king Harry left us.

"Lol, same old shit?" Niall chuckled.

"This is literally the worst day of my life"Troye said.

"I can feel ya"i sighed.

"I guess Troye can take the guest room, and turn it in his own room" Niall said.

"Okay" Troye answered.

"Guys listen" I called out.

"Yeah?" they asked.

"King said that they didn't get the dead bodies of our husbands. So what If they're not dead?" I asked

"Had, as much as I want them to be alive. They're dead. I'm sorry" Niall sighed.

"I think I'm gonna throw up" Troye said as he ran towards the bathroom, me and Niall followed him.

Troye puked his guts out and then we pulled him up.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah. I think I'll go sleep" he sighed.

I nodded and I also went into my room.

I laid on my bed thinking about the events that has happened in my life.

I don't know how he came into my life, why he came into my life and now he's gone. All gone. I wasn't even fully his, he is just gone.

I put my face into the pillow and screamed as loud as I could.

"Why, why why why why why why why, why god why" I cried hitting the pillow continuesly.

"Why do you have to take all the people I love, why. Why do you hate me freaking much. Why don't I have a right to be happy. Ugh I hate my life" I cried and cried and just cried

I cried while night, just repeating one thing.

"Come back Nawab Zayn, I love you. Please don't leave me come back"

Hello everyone, damn. I'm crying this is so freaking emotional.
Hope y'all liked this chapter.
Q:Do y'all want a time jump or continuous?
Keep voting love y'all so much.

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