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Zayn's pov

I was walking towards my managing office when I saw Louis standing in front of the large mirror looking out.

I went towards him slowly and saw that he was looking at 3 boys who were running into the garden, particularly at Niall.

"Uhm, what's going on?" I asked.

"Oh, hey Zayn" he smiled at me.

"Lou, be honest you like Niall. Don't you?" I asked.

"Uhm, I do" he nodded.

"Then go on bro, tell him" I said.

"Um I'll try bro, that's not easy" he sighed.

"Look Louis, Love is being brave, I'd you're brave enough to keep him forever and to fight for him then tell him" I smiled.

"So yours saying that cowards shouldn't love?" he asked.

"No, cuz they won't be able to fight for their partner, be brave bro" I smiled at him.

"You don't even worry, I will" he said smiling proudly.

I nodded and left.

Louis's pov.

"Uhm hey Niall?" I said walking towards Niall who was standing alone.

"Oh, Hello Minister louis" he smiled at me.

"I was uhm,.um you know I was thinking that uhm" I said.

"Just say it" he encouraged me.

"Will you go out with me?" I asked

"Like a date?" he curiously questioned raising his eyebrow.

"Yes, like a date"i nodded.


"what?" I asked.

"I said yes. I'll go with you"he grinned.

"Omg, thank you so much Niall" I said grinning with my teeth.

"Don't mention it,, so when?" he asked.

"This friday" I smiled,.god my cheeks hurt.

"Okay, Minister Louis" he said.

"Good night Niall" I smiled nodding.

"Good night" he smiled again.

Niall's pov.


"Calm your tits, and yes" I smiled shyly.

"Awee whittle Niall is blushing" troye teased and I huffed blushing more.

Hello everyone, I know it's been long since I've updated. So Lou finally asked Niall on a date. Next chapter will contain Nouis date. Guys I just wanna inform I'm taking a short break from wattpad, I don't know when ill come back but soon. It's just that my life's not the best. I'm not okay right now, I just need some time alone. I hope y'all will understand.
Love y'all

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