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"Is this really necessary? I am fine! It doesn't even hurt that much anymore. Hell most of the time I forget about the damn thing." Agitation évident in my voice. Sitting in the lobby at the doctors office is not exactly what I wanted to be doing yet here I am.

"It was part of the deal you made with us, we let you go now you have to get your leg looked at."

"Fine if this is what it takes for you guys to see for yourselves that I am fine." I huffed flipping through some magazine not reading the articles just looking at the pictures.

"Alexis Patterson." A brown wooden door opened and there stood a nurse with a clipboard in her hand. Her brown hair was pulled into a tight bun and she looked exhausted and like she would rather be anywhere else, girl same. Freaking same. She led me and my mom down a hallway. I told my mom she didn't have to come with me but knowing her she probably thought I would either run or give the doctors hell but not today I just don't have it in me.

"I'm going to take your vitals, height, weight, blood pressure that sort of thing." She offered me a small smile and scribbled down my vitals.

"Right this way. So you're here because you injured your leg, how long ago?" She opened an observation room and gestured for me to sit on the foldable table.

"About a week and a half ago."

"What happened?"

"I play Varsity soccer with high school guys..." I trailed off and couldn't help but laugh at the shock on her face, the usual reaction I get when I tell strangers that I play a contact sport with adrenaline filled testosterone crazed teenagers. 

"Wow that sounds intense." She lifted my pant leg and felt around the bruise that was starting to lighten up.

"It's brutal." I nod wincing as she touched a certain part that was still tender especially to the touch.

"Hi there Alexis I am Dr. Clark I hear you got a nasty bruise. I want to have some tests ran to check for any broken bones, internal bleeding that sort of thing." My heart rate started jumping around inside of my chest. First they ran a CT scan and then a few X-rays of my leg to check for broken bones.

"Feel free to have a seat I put a rush on the results they should be in soon." The nurse led us back into the consultation room we were in earlier and left us alone.

"Alex will you please sit down you're going to wear a rut in the floor." My mom sighed after fifteen minutes of me pacing back and forth. To say I was nervous would be a big fat understatement.

"I can't. I'm too nervous." I continued the same path I was absentmindedly repeating over and over again.

"Miss me?" Dr. Clark came in I couldn't even tell you how long had went by.

"Tons." I rolled my eyes but put a small smile on my face. I tried calming my nerves but it was no use. I was a mess.

"Good news there no internal bleeding or broken bones."

"Why do I get a feeling there's a but coming?" I trailed off warily my pulse thumping wildly at all my pressure points.

"You have a pretty bad fracture, it didn't break all the way through but your fibula is in bad shape. Whenever he kicked you it cracked a piece of your bone so it needs to heal. I'm going to put you on crutches for the next four to six weeks meaning no soccer." She spoke to me like a child who's parents were giving them a lecture. I felt my world tumbling around me.

"No way! I have the playoffs next week I am not missing them. I have scouts from colleges coming!" Tears brimmed my eyes.

"Alex you have already been fully accepted into two different schools. Please listen to the doctor so you don't risk making your leg worse." My mom begged with sadness swimming in her eyes and her voice.

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