Okay That's It

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Hello darlings! Weellll? What do you think so far?! Buckle up guys I am just getting started!


"You're shitting me right?" The worry evident in my voice. If I didn't want to puke after eating twenty four Oreo's I definitely do now.

"Nope, I seen him in the office before coming here. He transferred back to finish this semester here. Why not just finish the semester in Mexico?" She shrugged before going back to her salad. I felt the Oreo's I just consumed threatening to come up but I forced them down. Sergio Gonzalez used to go to school here but he moved away after sophomore year. He moved to Mexico and became a soccer legend there, he joined the pros and even was featured on magazines and commercials. Like I said, he's a legend. So why in the world he be back here? And only for one semester?

I close my eyes and pray to God that I don't have to see him. You see he was the captain of the varsity soccer team before he moved and I took his place and have been captain ever since.

The bell rang causing students to flee from the cafeteria towards their next class like a stampede of wild animals.

"You okay? You got quiet." Reagan tossed her trash into the bin and followed me as we left. The guys all following talking about practice which I'm now dreading. What if he is there?

"Just thinking if Gonzalez is going to be an issue or not."

"Don't worry Al, I'm sure everything will be fine. I'll come watch you practice how about that?" I beam at her as I was just told I won the lottery.

"Now that makes everything better! I've got to go. I'll catch up with you in eighth period!" I bolted down the hall after the warning bell signaled we only had twenty seconds to get to our class before we are marked tardy. I dashed through the door the second the bell started ringing. I looked around the room for an empty seat and there's only one. Next to satin himself. I huff and slowly make my way to the seat.

"Alright alright settle down! Most of you have met the guy before, he's old news. Get your textbooks out and flip to page 287." Mr. Rollins shushed the class and jumped into his lecture. The class dragged on and I could feel Sergio's presence beside me. I could smell his cologne...the mint on his breath. The leather of his jacket. I took a second to look him over, the guy is attractive I'll give him that, hell anyone with eyeballs can see that. His hair jet black like the night time sky. His eyes an electric green with gold flakes swimming in them. He has stubble on his face from not shaving in a few days. I watch as Heidi, the cheer captain leans over and whispers something in his ear making him halfway smile showing off his perfectly white straight teeth. Like I said the guy is fucking gorgeous, like God himself hand sculpted him and took his sweet time doing so too.

"Hey Alex, staring at pretty boy are ya?" Shawn elbowed me in the ribs pulling me from my thoughts. I tore my eyes off of Sergio and whirled around to punch him in the forearm, hard. He grabbed his arm and started rubbing it while shooting daggers at me but he couldn't hide the smile from swimming across his face.

"That hurt asshole!" I hissed before rubbing my ribs.

"You hit like a fucking dude!" He groaned from my jab to his arm.

"Mr. White, Miss. Patterson is there something you'd like to share with the class?"

"No Mr. Rollins." I mumbled leaning back in my chair huffing when everyone turned their attention towards us.

"What are you even wearing?" Heidi hisses looking me up and down in disgust. I had on a pair of Nike running shorts and our school shirt with my hair in a ponytail with some running shoes on.

"Umm clothes?"

"Yeah guy clothes."

"These are girl clothes idiot." I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her. Since when are gym shorts and a T-shirt guy clothes?

"I know girls clothing when I see it and that is not it."

"Oh come on Heidi leave the girl alone." Sergio spoke with a hint of a Spanish accent and I felt a shiver radiate down my spine.

"Enough! Patterson, Daniels, White, and Gonzalez detention after school." Mr. Rollins plopped himself down at his desk in defeat.

"But we have practice!" I gasped. Coach is going to grill us and give us extra workouts which means hell for all of us.

"Sounds like a personal problem. Learn to keep your banter outside of my classroom."

"We are so dead." Shawn mumbled beside me. I didn't have to acknowledge him to know he was right. We are screwed.

The rest of the day went by without a hitch. I had Sergio in three of my afternoon classes but I sat on the opposite side of the room avoiding him like the plague. I've never really talked to the guy much except on the field but even then all we did was argue, each of us having a need to be right and have the final word.

The final bell rang for the day and I dragged my feet towards the cafeteria where they hold detention. Mrs. Adair was sitting at a foldable table with her hands folding on her belly that was resting on the table.

"Oh Miss. Patterson haven't seen your face in a while. What did you do?" She shook her head in disbelief.

"Same ole." I shrugged and plopped myself at one of the tables and laid my head down. Every single time I've been in detention it's because of Heidi Daniels. We haven't exactly gotten along since seventh grade. We used to be best friends in elementary school. Her, Reagan, and I. But after seventh grade she joined the cheer squad and her head grew too big along with her ego.

"Alright for the next hour your all mine. Feel free to do whatever it is that you choose but don't leave this room." Mrs. Adair was passed out in seconds. I spent the whole detention finishing my homework and talking about play strategies with Shawn.

"Oh you are so naughty!" Heidi laughed at something Sergio said. Whatever he whispered caused her to blush a crimson color.

"Have you ever noticed how her laugh sounds like cats are being drowned?" Shawn leaned back in his chair putting all of his weight on the two back legs.

"Yeah and it's fucking excruciating!" I groaned laying my head on the table.

"Hey babygirl." Caleb, my boyfriend sat down beside me. Caleb is the quarterback of the football team. We've been dating three months. Don't ask me why he took an interest in me but he did. It goes against all stereotypes that someone like him would date someone like me but he is different. He isn't some air headed jock he is smart and kind.

"Hey!" I beamed and leaned forward planting my lips on his.

"It's such a shame that you waste your time with her Caleb. You can do so much better." Heidi shook her head back and forth with a look of disgust written all over her face.

"What is your problem?" I snapped growing tired of this same argument. What concern is it of hers who he dates?

"I don't have a problem sir. It's only a matter of time before he realizes he can get a real woman not a he-she." She shrugged before taking a drink of her water.

"Okay that's it!" I pushed myself off my chair and leaped for her. She squealed like a baby pig running from the farmer who is ready to fry her ass into bacon. I was about to smack her when I felt arms snake around my waist pulling me away from her. Heidi's eyes were wide with fear.

I felt myself calming down and noticed Caleb sitting there staring at me. Wait if he is sitting there and Shawn is still sitting...who is holding me? I whirled around and locked eyes with Sergio Gonzalez.

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