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"Alright everyone good job out there today. Tomorrow is the big game. Stay away from junk food and that means you Martinez. Don't think I didn't hear about yours and Patterson's cookie contest or your marshmallow incident with Cannon. Get a good nights rest everyone I'll see you tomorrow."

"Want to come to family dinner at my moms coworkers house? They are our new neighbors plus I could really use the company!" I begged my best friend who couldn't shake her head no fast enough not that I blame her hell I didn't even want to go myself but unlike her I don't have a damn choice.

"No way! I've got to catch up on The Bachelor. Tomorrow night is the season finale."

"You are so lame. Call me later?"

"You bet! Love you!"

"Love you too! You get a rose! You get a rose! Everyone gets a rose!" I pretended to throw roses in the air into an invisible audience making my best friend burst into a fit of laughter.

"Caleb is an idiot for dating you, you're fucking weird." Eli mumbled under his breath but my good mood forbid me from taking offense because let's face it I am weird but I'm fun!

"Shut up shit stain." I shrugged and danced down the driveway up towards the house.

"Mom? Dad?" I called out as I stepped into the house but it was silent. There was a note in the kitchen on the counter that read:

'We are already next door helping prepare dinner. Dinner is at seven, please be on time I want to make a good impression.

Alexis I left an outfit on your bed please wear it and also tame your hair....please. For me.

-Love always Mom

I glanced at the clock and unless I can snap my fingers and make a miracle happen there is no way in hell I am going to be presentable in thirty minutes but I bolt up to my room not wanting to waste another minute. On my bed laid a maroon dress with sheer lace three quarter length sleeves. Is she fucking kidding me? A dress? If she was here I'd throw a fit. Maybe that's why she left before I got home. Oh mother you are sneaky.

I stomped into my en-suite bathroom and flipped on my shower and waited for it to heat up while I stripped out of my sweaty clothes. My dark brown hair is tangly from days of it being in a bun so brushing that is going to be fun. I jumped into the shower and shampooed and conditioned my hair before shaving everything that needed it and then scrubbed my body head to toe. I turned the water off and wrapped myself in a fluffy towel I grabbed my hair brush and brushed through all the tangles in my hair and decided to blow dry it into its naturally wavy form. I pad my way back into my room and put on a clean bra and pair of panties before reluctantly sliding that stupid dress over my head. It's pretty I'll give it that but I am not a dress kind of girl.

I slipped on some strappy sandals that my mom had laid on my bed and decided that's as good as it's going to get. I sprayed myself with my almond vanilla body mist from Bath and Body Works and left my room.

"Wow you look-" My brother stood in front of my door with wide eyes.

"Say something rude and I'll punch you." I narrowed my eyes into slits at him. I don't want to be wearing this shit and I definitely don't need comments on my outfit to make it worse.

"I was just going to say you look nice! Come on we are almost late." Elijah had on black jeans and a navy blue button up shirt with some black and navy tennis shoes.

We walked up the sidewalk to our new neighbors house and rang the door bell.

"You must be Alexis and Elijah I'm Rosa please come in." A Hispanic woman who looked in her earlier forties opened the door and ushered us inside.

"Please call me Alex, nice to meet you Rosa." Her hair went down to her mid back and was pitch black. Her eyes were a dark brown but had a way of drawing you in and making you feel welcome even though you just met her.

"Oh good you two made it!" My mom gushed as Rosa led us into the kitchen. My moms eyes trailed me up and down before a smile of relief spread across her face. Did she really expect me to not wear this damn thing? I wouldn't have but she practically begged me to.

"This is my husband Gabriel." She pointed to a tall white man white dark brown hair and electric green eyes. He had on a business suit that was ironed to perfection and looked like it was made for him and his tall frame.

"And these are our sons Felipe, Hector, Christopher, and Alejandro. Wait there's another one missing he should be down soon enough."

Felipe and Hector both had dark brown almost black hair with dark brown eyes. Felipe was a bit stockier than the others and his nose was buried in a book. Hector was tall and lanky and building some kind of building scribbling notes down in a spiral. He barely looked up waving as his mom introduced them all.

Christopher and Alejandro are twins both fair complected with hazel colored eyes. A mixture of brown and green, a beautiful color I've never seen before like a fire burning inside of them. They both play on the baseball team and are in Elijah's grade. They all started talked immediately leaving me alone with our parents.

"Sorry Ma, I'm here now." A voice came barreling into the kitchen causing all the hair on the back of my neck to stand up.

"You?" Our eyes locked, shock evident in both of our eyes. Seriously? Can I catch a break? This guy is everywhere!

"Fuuuccckk." I slowly groaned out earning a slap on the back of my head from my dad. Him and my mom both shooting daggers at me for cursing in front of our dinner hosts meanwhile I'm freaking out that this asshole is my new neighbor.

Double Dog DareOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz